воскресенье, 20 октября 2013 г.

Boguslav. Pavlograd. My motherland. Part 2.
Vasyl Syzko.
Orthodox Church.
Village council.
Богуслав - село в Украине, Павлоградском районе Днепропетровской области , над рекой Самарой . Центр Богуславский сельсовет.
Расположен в 16 км к юго-востоку от районного центра Павлоград , возле железнодорожного разъезда Богуславский на линии Павлоград - Красноармейск Донецкой железной дороги.
Впервые в исторических документах Богуслав упоминается в 1784 году.

Сomprehensive secondary school.
Junior secondary school.
Село Богуслав находится на левом берегу реки Самара, выше по течению на расстоянии в 3 км расположено село Олефировка (Петропавловский район), ниже по течению на расстоянии в 3 км расположен город Павлоград, на противоположном берегу в 4-х км — село Богдановка. Река в этом месте извилистая, образует лиманы, старицы и заболоченные озёра. Рядом проходят автомобильная дорога М-04 (E 50) и железная дорога, станция Богуславский.

Recreation culture centre.
Childcare center.
По состоянию на 1886 год в селе, центре Богуславской волости Павлоградского уезда Екатеринославской губернии , проживало 2926 человека, насчитывалось 472 двора, существовали православная церковь, школа, 3 лавки..

Более 700 жителей села принимали участие в Великой Отечественной войне , из них 354 - погибли, 325 - удостоены правительственных наград.
В 1956 году сооружен памятник в честь воинов-освободителей и воинов-земляков, павших смертью храбрых в борьбе против немецко-фашистских захватчиков.
Monument to soldiers who fell in battles during the Great Patriotic War in 1941-45.

Farm corporation "Shtorm"
В 1960 -х в селе было: дворов - 1403, населения - 4516 человек.
Население по переписи 2001 года составляло 3880 человек.
В селе размещалась центральная усадьба колхоза им. Ильича, за которым было закреплено 6028 га сельскохозяйственных угодий, в т.ч. 5242 га пахотных земель. Выращиваются зерновые культуры и подсолнечник; животноводство - молочно-мясного направления.
ЗАО «Агрофирма им. Ильича».КФХ «Шторм»,
ФГ «Корень»- крупнейшие предприятия (в т.ч. фермерские хозяйства)

Football ground.
Ambulance Station.
Главврач  Федоренко А.И.
На территории Богуслава - средняя и восьмилетняя школы
(57учителей и 685 учащихся), дом культуры с залом на 500 мест, Богуславская сельская библиотека с фондом 30450 книг, Богуславский народный историко-краеведческий музей, Богуславская больничная амбулатория, аптека , детские ясли-сад "Солнышко", отделение связи, сберкасса, 11 магазинов.
По материалам Википедии.
Про село Богуслав Павлоградського району Дніпропетровської області

четверг, 17 октября 2013 г.

Intel Educational Framework at school#5 t.Pavlograd Ukraine.

 How Intel Educational Framework is implemented and  works at  school №5 Pavlograd, Ukraine.
School European Club meeting.16.10.2013.

An effective education transformation can help Ukraine School#5 of Pavlograd  to increase student competitiveness, build job skills and competencies, support futher  economic development and provide social cohesion.

Through research and work with local government, community, under the guidance of school administration we try to provide   Intel support  to drive a systemic education transformation.
Ольга Седая. My portfolio.
Милана Гарбовская.
Learning at the Internet  
We know that  Intel has invested over $1 billion dollars and close to 3 million employee volunteer hours to improve teaching and learning environments in 70+ countries over the last decade.Great work has been done in Ukraine. Olga Sedaya thinks study develops mind and knowledge you are getting will be useful in future.

Елена Колесник. My blog and projects.
Александр Эм. Health development.
We try to implement the Intel’s model of education transformation as a systemic approach that is based on research and includes the best practices for improved educational outcomes.Helen Kolesnik completed seven projects and placed them on her social network sites.

Любов Ващенко. The Director.
We implement  The model’s five critical components:
Case Study. Curriculum Standards and Assessment
New curriculum standards and assessment can help transform education system to meet the demands of a globally competitive environment.The Principal of the school #5 Pavlograd Lyubov Vaschenko pays the greatest attention to the development of modern computer and information technologies at school.

Юлия Климова. My school.
Елена Просверякова. FLEX.
Sustained Professional Development
A quality teaching workforce is imperative for a quality education system. Teacher professional development is a critical success factor for achieving educational improvement.

Полина Кузнецова. Ukraine.
Proliferation of Information Communications Technology
Technology is an essential foundation of education transformation, providing the tools needed to enhance teaching and learning and support student-centered learning environments. The school #5 introduces the students to new science ideas and trains them for a future job. Julia Klimova and Helen Prosveryakova think school introduces pupils to different sorts of people, teachers them moral values the history and national & international culture.

Юлия Малая. Education in Great Britain
Настя Кузьменко.
Education in  the USA.
Research and Evaluation
Education-related products and solutions are continuously improved and refined for greater teaching and learning effectiveness.They help the students to understand themselves better and  make their own decisions.

понедельник, 7 октября 2013 г.

How Does Education Works in Ukraine.
Юлия Климова 
ОШ №5  г. Павлоград.
9-a класс.
My school
I am sure that school plays a great role in our life. There we study to make the right steps in our personality’s development, to cope with difficulties and try to discover ourselves. I think it's fair that the school is called our second home.
As I really like my school, I would like to tell you about it. I study at the secondary school number 5 in Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, in the ninth form.
Our school is the experimental artistic and cultural institution. It is a fine light three-storey building. 48 classrooms, canteen, two gyms, two school workshops, servicing work room, room for cooking, classroom for career guidance, study psychological relief, logopaedic room, assembly hall, hall of rhythmic and trainings, medical office and dental office operate in it.

We also have two Information Technology Classrooms with modern computers and interactive whiteboards. Chemistry, Physics and Biology classrooms are equipped with special facilities. There we can often carry out different experiments.
Therefore, our lessons are always interesting. Our teachers take care of pupils’ allround development. They do their best for the success of pupils’ upbringing, education and self-realization. That’s why different clubs and study circles are created in our school.
 For example, we have European Club, where students can learn English, improve their communicative skills, develop their creativity and broaden their outlook. I guess it helps students in their professional development as well. The system of pre-profile, profile and pre-university preparation is developed in our school. In addition, teams of our school take part in different sport and intellectual competitions and championships and take prize places.
 The development of children's creativity and talents is greatly encouraged in our school by the Principal Vaschenko Lyubov Leonidivna.Сelebrations such as music concerts, contests, presentations, conferences and exhibitions of students’ creative works are held very often in it. To my mind, this is a very good opportunity for children to improve and demonstrate their talents and to discover themselves. I think that such events also promote the cohesion of classes.

We can be proud that Finance Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Kolobov once studied at our school. To this day he remembers his native school and helps it every possible way. Thanks to him, excellent sports grounds and a new well-equipped gym appeared in our school. And now pupils are engaged in  physical culture with great pleasure and achieve even better results in the sport.
In my opinion, it is very good that our school takes an active part not only in the intellectual, but also in the creative, professional and physical development of children.
 As for me, I like my school and I am proud of it.