суббота, 29 августа 2015 г.

British Council. Teacher Development Summer School. 
What  Lesson Planning is.Why write lesson plans?
August 16th-21st.2015.
Project work. Syzko V.S. 
Pavlograd. Ukraine.
One of the sessions at Summer Teacher Training Programme was Lesson Planning by Fiona Conolly. Here I try to  render the  meaning of the session content accurately.
Lesson planning clearly outlines the exact aims and objectives of any lesson, so that a teacher can clearly identify the learning goals and aims for the students during a lesson. All the aims of a lesson plan should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable (achievable), Realistic and Time-Appropriate (time bound). Organizing a defined, well- prepared  lesson plan will enable a teacher and the students to succeed in teaching and learning of a topic and a subject in general.
The first stage was to work in groups, remember the words and make sure learners understood the meaning of each vocabulary item and how it is connected to lesson planning. We had to write the words on the board. Then we had to brainstorm the ideas and  fill the gaps in the Lesson planning pattern and record the ideas in the apropriate circles.And we fulfilled the task successfully as you can see in the picture.
The next stage was defining the components of a typical lesson plan which is a bit different to a Ukrainian school. The typical lesson plan consists of two parts (components): Cover and Procedure pages.
The headings of a cover page are: Timetable fit; Anticipated problems and solutions; Learning outcomes; Description of learnes; Materials and references; Context, location and time.
The headings of a Procedure are: Stage aim; Interaction(T-L, L-L, group work, pair work, individual); Materials; Time(approximate timing for each stage); Procedure( a breakdown of what  the teacher and students actually do); Instructions; Whiteboard plan( show how the teacher use the whiteboard); Homework(include details and instructions of a suitable homework task).
Then we had been working on  what General Lesson aims are and decided on the stage aims of a definite task of the lesson. 
An aim in a lesson plan is generally thought to encompass the lesson as a whole. The aim broadly focuses on what a teacher and learners plan to do and achieve with the  students in a lesson.To determine an aim for your lesson, focus on what part of the curriculum you are teaching and how you are going to achieve your goals for the students. Remember objectives, that  are the smaller steps that will help you achieve the main aim. Break down your aim into small steps that will lead you and your students to the end goal. Write these objectives, or "learning outcomes," underneath your aim.
For example: By the end of the lesson, learnes will be able to... Language point-What is your name? -I am Nick. Aims- By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to ask and tell their names.Ets.
"Why to write aims?" Fiona asked.And we all tried to find the answer.
Write your aim, or end goal of the lesson, at the top of the lesson plan.Try to avoid  difficult-to-assess words such as "understand" or "appreciate." Use SMART words like "design," "formulate," "practice" and "analyze."  Use active verbs to help track student progress.here are the headings of the plan:
 Write your definite aims(Objectives)  in the stage aim column of a plan.
|   Time  |  Teacher activity | Learner activity  |  Interaction |   Stage aim |
Objectives are the smaller steps that will help you achieve your main aim. Break down your aim into small steps that will lead you and your students to the end goal. Write these objectives, or "learning outcomes," underneath your aim. The teacher should also think back over the lesson and write post-lesson reflection on the activity: What went well? Why?; What didn't go well? Why?; What changes will I make next time? Why?
And the Final strategy of the session on  Lesson Planning was writing Reflection on learning. We had to think back over the session. Make a note on the following: The most useful thing we learnt; The most surprising thing; Something we wii try; Something we will not try. The learners had to stand up and talk to as many people in the classroom as possible to share each other reflections.
All teachers at Teacher Development Summer School got home assigment and will have to send a Report by the 31st of October:
1.Three lesson plans minimum with post lesson reflection;
2.Each Lesson plan should contain an activity you have chosen in your reflection;
3.Analyze these activities in the post- lesson reflection.
The assigment is to try a new idea/ activity from this workshop with one of your classes. the teachers should then reflect on your lesson according to the folloing guidelines.
1. Where appropriate, make up materials for the new idea/ activity you will be trying out, focusing on the particular language pointa and learning outcomes you are aiming for.
2. Write your whole lesson plan, including your new idea/activity on the lesson plan document, then teach the lesson.After the lesson, write a reflection using the reflection document (write 450 and 550 words).
3. Attach your lesson plan and materials used to your reflection.
4. Submit your assigment by emailling it to your trainer.The deadline for completion of this assigment is the 31 of October.

Teaching English Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching (CiSELT). Coursebook.Module1: Getting Started. Lesson Planning. British Council 2011.

пятница, 28 августа 2015 г.

How British Council is building trust between the United Kingdom and Ukraine.
English for Dnipropetrovsk. Teacher Development Summer School.
August 16th-21st.2015.

Британська рада в Україні опікуватиметься підвищенням рівня кваліфікації викладачів англійської мови на Дніпропетровщині
Офіційний веб-сайт
 Про свою ініціативу закордонні експерти повідомили під час зустрічі з представниками шкіл і ВНЗ області. Основна мета такої співпраці – навчити вчителів англійської працювати більш ефективно. Для цього британська сторона готова надати 10 тренерів, які проводитимуть для педагогів безкоштовні курси. Далі вчителі, випускники цих тренінгів, працюватимуть зі своїми колегами у містах і районах.
 Загалом проект розрахований на найближчі 4 роки. Узгодити всі деталі та розробити дорожню карту реалізації проекту обидві сторони обіцяють до кінця березня. 
5 березня.

This teacher training course has been designed specifically for the needs of teachers in the Dnipropetrovsk region as a result of the Needs Analysis which was carried out by the UK English teacher trainers in Ukraine in May 2015. Some of the sessions for the Ukrainian teachers have been selected from the two main British Council training courses CiSELT (Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching) and CiPELT (Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching). Other sessions have been specifically designed by British Council teacher trainers.
The courses started with the Opening Ceremony where the Intentions on Cooperation between the British Council and Regional State Administration in the field of English Language teaching was signed. Then Group Formation and Ice Breakers took place.
The courses provided the main topics and sessions such as Understanding Learning and Teaching, Learners and Teachers; How children learn and why you need to know; Lesson Planning; Understanding principles of how primary students learn; Learner Centred Classroom; Classroom Management and Dynamics; Introducing Grammar to primary Students; Integrated Skills; Language Awareness. Errors and Mistakes; Developing Reading Skills; Action Planning- Ukrainian teacher self -development.
The UK English teacher trainers Fiona Conolly, Kate Cory-Wright and Fiona Malcolm presented the session materials, organized modules with teachers on a high professional level and skills.Geralg Mcintosh, Head of English at British Council organized the work of the advanced course, providing the learners with the highest teaching standards and recreation time.
British Council Ukrainian teacher trainers Irina Loik, Viktoria Ivanisheva and Oksana Rubanova helped the learners with writing reflection on each session and making Action Planning on Summer Teacher Training Programme implementation.
The Summer Teacher Training Courses finished with Closing Certificate Ceremony where all the Ukrainian teachers received Certificates on The Summer Teacher Training Programme fulfillment.

The Ukrainian teachers wrote Action Plans:
1.What have you learned during the week?
2.What were your challengers?
3.What course content/ activity/ task will you implement in the classroom? Give your reasons why?
4.How would you change/adapt these activities to your learners’ needs?

And will have send a Report by the 31st of October: 
1.Three lesson plans minimum with post lesson reflection; 
2.Each Lesson plan should contain an activity you have chosen in your reflection;
3.Analyze these activities in the post- lesson reflection.

Шановний Василю Семеновичу!
Мене зовуть Марія – я менеджер з комунікацій Британської Ради. Ми готуємо для сайту статтю-звіт про наш проект в Дніпропетровську і хотіли попросити дозволу на використання Ваших фотографій з блогу: http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/how-british-council-is-building-trust.html?_sm_au_=iVV4cs4MJNLHJc6r
Прекрасно написаний і дуже якісні фотографії у Вас!
Дуже дякую заздалегідь!
З повагою,
Maria Zhdanova | Communications Manager | Marketing and Communications Department
The British Council in Ukraine | 4/12 Hryhoriya Skovorody Street | Kyiv | 04070
T +380 44 490 5600 | F +380 44 490 5605 | BCTN (Internal) 543 1228
M. 066 200 36 79

Шановна Марія!
Дякую за відгук про мої фото та їх тематичний зміст. Я вважаю, що дані фотографії гарно розкривають зміст роботи Британської Ради з вчителями Дніпропетровської області з проекту покращення викладання англійської мови в школах. Британська Рада в Україні може використати мої фото для підготовки статті- звіту з даного проекту.
З повагою,
Сизько Василь.