пятница, 26 декабря 2014 г.

God bless Ukraine. Pochaevska Lavra and lake of st. Ann -  ancient Orthodox chrines in Western Ukraine.

V.Syzko. Project work. My trip to Truskavets.
Svyato Uspenska Pochaevska Lavra - is one of the greatest holy places in Orthodox world. The first historical knowledge about this Lavra dates back to the beginning of 13th century. There is the miracle-producing icon of Madonna in the main Lord’s Table in this Castle. There are stored four very important relics: a stone with a trace of the right foot of the  Mother of God, a source of healing water, the miraculuos icon of Our Lady Pochaevskaya and relics of Job and Amphilochius.

Свято-Успенская Почаевская лавра - одна из величайших святынь православного мира, вторая по значению на территории Украины после Киево-Печерской лавры. Легенда приписывает основание первого скита афонскому монаху Мефодию. Около 1240 г. на Почаевской горе по-соседству появляются киевские иноки, спасаясь от татарского нашествия (название связывают с р. Почайна, в которой князь Владимир крестил киевлян). По преданию, знаком свыше им стало явление Богоматери в огненном столпе. Отпечаток стопы Девы Марии остался на камне, из под которого забил целебный источник. Сейчас реликвии находятся внутри грандиозного Успенского собора (1783 г., арх. Гофман). В главном алтаре хранится чудотворная икона Божьей Матери, подаренная монастырю в 1597 г. его основательницей - помещицей А. Гойской. 
Паломники стремятся приложиться к мощам преп. Иова, который был настоятелем монастыря во время противостояния с унией в XVII в. Нынешним пышным видом лавра во многом обязана пожертвованиям каневского старосты Н. Потоцкого, ей покровительствовали русские цари. Проводятся экскурсии, посетителям следует иметь подобающий вид: мужчины в брюках, женщины в юбках и с покрытой головой .
Недалеко от Почаевской Лавры есть еще одно место , которое известно не только своей святостью , но и огромной исцеляющей силой . Это Источник Святой праведной Анны ( или Озеро Святой праведной Анны), который находится на стыке Ровенской и Тернопольской областей в поселке Онишковцы.Каждый день, уже много лет к источнику святой праведной Анны приезжают люди из дальних стран мира, чтобы поклониться святыне, выпить воды и омыться в благодатном озере святой Анны. И в настоящее время является много свидетельств об исцелении святой водой из озера .
Паломники находят здесь душевное спокойствие. Приезжают снова, чтобы отслужить благодарственный молебен к святой Анне, когда по ее молитвам Господь посылает долгожданного ребенка. 
Паломничество - ( от латинского "Palma" — "пальма" ) : это поездка или пеший поход к Святым Местам и иным географическим местностям, имеющим ключевое значение в христианской вере , чтобы поклониться и помолиться.

Традиция паломничества основана на том что верующие стремятся поклониться местам и святыням , которые связаны со Иисусом Христом, Пресвятой Богородицей , апостолами ; окунуться в чудотворную воду реки Иордан и священные источники ; помолиться перед святыми иконами.

Почаевская Лавра  и  Озеро Святой Анны-    http://pochaev.pp.ua/

среда, 24 декабря 2014 г.

Ukraine. The tourist gem and the health resort of  Western Ukraine. 
V.Syzko. Project work. My trip to Truskavets the biggest balneological resorts in Ukraine.

Mineral water spring «Naftusya».
Truskavets (Lvivskiy region) – one of the biggest balneological resorts in Ukraine, is situated in 100 km from Lviv. Truskavets is an ancient balneological resort with a180 year history. In different times the town was under the  influence of numerous historical, cultural and archeological events.

On the resort area are hugeconcentrated reserves of different types mineral water – 14 natural bathes,  as well as minerals of «mountain wax» called "ozokerit".

Mineral water spring “Yuzya”.
Unique facilities of mineral waters determine main resort treatment directions:
II Gastroenterology
III Metabolic diseases.

Truskavetskurort medical institutions provide diagnosis and treatment of: internal organs, cardiovascular systems, endocrine systems, genitourinary systems, musculoskeletal systems, and respiratory systems.
A resort meal in Truskavets is one of the main factors for effective treatment. Dieticians of «Truskavetskurort» propose 10 diets for the  treatment of different diseases. A correct diet menu can help to restore metabolic processes and improve the function of individual organs.

The most popular mineral water of Truskavets is «Naftusya» of Truskavets field. Its structure includes substances of oil origin, which determines its unique treatment facilities. After contact with air organic substances of «Naftusya» are destroying, that’s why its strongly recommended to drink it at once.

Shale Graal hotel complex.
Hardly any other international spa resort can impress guests with such a diversity of mineral waters, from low-salted water with organic substances to highly mineralized mixtures. Truskavets is famous for its mineral waters: “Maria”, “Sophia”, “Bronislava”, “Yuzya” and beloved “Naftusya”. Mineral waters with low mineralization ("Naftusya", "Maria", "Sophia") are administered for internal use, and mineral waters with high mineralized content (more than 10 g/dm3) are used in balneology.

Therapeutic properties of mineral waters are regularly tested in the laboratory of experimental balneology of the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine working on the base of hydro geologic operational station "Truskavetskurort".
The company consists of: resort facilities "Vesna", "Kristall", "Almaz", "Yantar" and "Rubin"; hotel complex "Mirotel Resort & Spa"; the medical complex "Med-Palace" consisting of a diagnostic centre, hydropathic facility and a SPA centre; comfortable villa "KRISTINA" and other villas;  two balneoozokerite clinics - BOL no.1 and BOL no.2; health complex no.2 where the  radiology laboratory is located, the only one in the region. Central healthcare complex; Palace of Culture named after Taras Shevtchenko and 2 mineral water springs.

The «Mountain wax», ozokerit is also actively used on resort in its  treatment properties. It is mined in a few kilometers from Truskavets. Ozokeritotherapy has been  used on the resort since1947. Wax is used in heat treatment as an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as for effective treatment of degenerative diseases.

Besides the Chief Medical Profile - Urology, concomitant diseases are also treated on the resort - digestive system, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, diabetes, etc.Treatment facilities of Truskavets mineral waters attract more the 350.000 tourists from different countries of the world each year .

Truskavetskurort is one of the most popular therapeutic resorts in Ukraine with the capacity of more than 4000 guest rooms. The strategic goal is to create a therapeutic resort complex, capable of becoming the best balneotherapeutic centre and offering the latest achievements of the recreation industry to all citizens of Ukraine, Europe and other countries.

The Climate of Truskavets is moderate warm and moist. The average yearly temperature at the Ukrainian resort is close to Caucasian resorts. Winter is comparatively warm, the most cold is in January ( -4C), when the  temperature rarely comes lower then -20C. Thickness of snow cover is not more then 0.2-0.4 mm. Spring is long at this time when intensive snow melting is observed and floods on brooks and rivers are often. (+12C, +14C)

The hottest months in Truskavets are July and August (average month temperature nearly 22C). At this time there are plenty of nuts, mushrooms and barries (strawberry, cowberry, blackberry, raspberry) in the forests . Autumn at the  resort is rather dry and warm and weather is mostly clear and non-cloudy.

In any country food market trends and the level of foodstuffs provision is a question of urgent importance. The main function of food markets in Ukraine and in Truskavets in particular  is providing victuals for people  in necessary volumes. Local food marketing is a development opportunity for small Ukrainian agri-food businesses.
Visa. For EU citizens and citizens of Russian Federation  a visa is not required. For children, accompanied by parents, a birth certificate is required, if children are travelling with individuals other than parents, notarized power of attorney is required.

Truskavetskurort is one of the most popular therapeutic resorts in Ukraine with the capacity of more than 4000 guest rooms. The strategic goal is to create the therapeutic resort complex, capable to become the best balneotherapeutic centre offering the latest achievements of recreation industry to all citizens of Ukraine, Europe and other countries.
A Ukrainian national suit is not only an article of clothing. It is a symbol of the nation. It is a kind of art and a national relic. It is a relic from our ancestors revived by the hands of craftsmen. It is the Ukrainian people's pride. It is craftsmanship that has survived through years. The national garments present the Orthodox Ukraine. Also, they are a symbol of the nation, like its language, denominations and customs. The main feature of Ukraine's national clothing is the baroque style, which manifests itself in the exaggeration of general forms.
For instance, the embroidered sleeves of a woman's shirt, the ornament of embroidery, laces, etc. special decorative fabrics. different ribbons and threads of beads add festivity to the garments.
The most common women's piece of clothing - a long shirt belted at waist - has come to us from the ancient Slavic people. It is decorated by magic ornaments. 
The Orthodox Church is the  church 
of Christ, and seeks to trace its origin back to the original apostles through an unbroken chain of apostolic succession.  Like Catholics and Protestants, Orthodox believers affirm the Trinity, the Bible as the Word of God, Jesus as God the Son, and many other biblical doctrines. However, in doctrine, they have much more in common with Roman Catholics.The Orthodox Church considers itself to be both orthodox and catholic 
.Every Sunday people in  Ukraine  go to the church and pray to God save Ukraine.