среда, 30 января 2013 г.

Intel ® Project: Літня англійська школа ’’The Azov Camp”.

Координатори проекту: Корпус миру в Україні, Генеральний директор ВАТ Мелітопольтранс Шанін Г.І. Директор дитячого оздоровчого закладу ”Северянин”Борисенко Л.І. Вчитель англійської мови ЗШ№5 м.Павлограда Сизько В.С.  
                       Червень 2012.    
Первый день смены, знакомство детей с вожатыми, волонтерами Корпуса мира (США) и руководителями творческих мастерских. Дети познакомились с волонтерами: Керри Марино (Нью_Йорк), Логан Бренан (Нью-Йорк), Рейчел Гир (Миссури), Лора Чат (Пенсильвания), Линда Ли (Минессота), Кристофер МакДона (Мичиган), Синден Энроуз (Колорадо), Белли Вуф (Вашингтон), также с детьми будут работать учителя высшей категории Тарасенко О.В., Ковальская Е.В.,Лапина О.А., Сызько В.С.
There are so many interesting things to do at the Summer School "THE Azov Camp"
Getting involved in new activities with new people is a fun way to challenge youself. Everything is to your taste and interest. You can join clubs and team spots, swim in the sea, breath fresh and healthy sea air. You can enjoy the lessons, the teachers, your new friends.You may share many interesting things with each other. 
Kids' team №5 from Pavlograd & Melitopol.

More and more people nowadays learn Foreign languages. English is one of the most popular languages in the world.Children and grown-ups develop their communicative skills at school, language courses and summer language schools.The knovledge of English helps everyone find new friends around the world and learn to get on well with people of different cultural background.

The knowledge of a foreign languadge gives you a chance to exchange information with people from other countries.

The members of School European Club №5 from Pavlograd with the American friends.

Sometimes the children are very shy and it is not easy for them to speak in the classroom. They are always afraid of making a mistake, but at the Summer School "THE Azov Camp" they are in an informal atmosphere.They feel comfortable while communicating and learning English there.

Learning English with the native speakers, sport competitions, danсing parties made the time in the camp unforgattable.  http://skooltv.com/2012/video/610     Project by Elena Kolesnik, our club member, vote for "Severianin", vote for our club,vote for Helen.

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