A Demonstrative Lesson.
Vasyl Syzko. Teacher of English. Pavlograd. Ukraine.
1.To develop critical and creative thinking of students while investigating the ways of choosing a profession;
2.To revise and use in speech modals verbs;
3.Get students informed about demanded jobs in Ukraine;
4.To get students know about the child employment in the UK and how the rights of schoolchildren are protected.
Warming up.
Vasyl Syzko. Teacher of English. Pavlograd. Ukraine.
"Intel® Learning for future"
Intel® Teach Program. Project-Based Learning.
Lesson Planning.
Objectives and Materials/ Мета та цілі уроку:1.To develop critical and creative thinking of students while investigating the ways of choosing a profession;
2.To revise and use in speech modals verbs;
3.Get students informed about demanded jobs in Ukraine;
4.To get students know about the child employment in the UK and how the rights of schoolchildren are protected.
Warming up.
Завдання учням: Розповісти, що вони мають вивчити на цьому уроці:
Застосувати структури: In this lesson I wiil: або In this lesson I have to/ now I can:
-learn and talk about different professions;
-talk about career prospects;
-explain the reason for choosing a profession;
-understand the information during the discussion and conversation;
-find the necessary information quickly (the Internet);
-revise and practise modal verbs;
-practice how to write e-mail letters, use the werb-sites and do on-line presentations, write an essay.
Використання програми "Intel. Навчання для майбутнього" для створення та реалізації планів навчальних проектів. http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2015/01/intel.html
Computer technology classroom.
Alla Nesvit. English.9-th form textbook.
"Intel® Learning for future".DebbieCandau. The USA.Intell Corporation,2004.
Teacher's Edition "First Light".Louise Matteoni. Oklahoma City.Indiapolis.Los Angeles. The USA.
3. How to write a letter of request in English. Як написати лист-запит англійською мовою.
Internet Resourses.
The lesson plan and readiness levels.
Cтворення власного монологічного висловлювання понадфразового та текстового рівня (відповідно до вимог чинної програми для даного класу)
1. Top Ten Jobs in Ukraine. Project of Investigation. Muhamedieva Arina. 9th.-form. School#5 Ukraine. http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2015/05/top-tenjobs-in-ukraine-project-of.html
1.p.180, ex.1- words and expressions.(practise). Presentation.
2. The task: Listen to the story and answer the questions in written form in you answer chat- forms. .
2. Grammar Point.
1. Revise modal verbs ex8 p172..Do ex.11 p.173. Group work in the classroom.
3. Working with the pade.Vocabulary and Language. (Group -1) Project work at the lesson.
2. The task: Listen to the story and answer the questions in written form in you answer chat- forms. .
2. Grammar Point.
1. Revise modal verbs ex8 p172..Do ex.11 p.173. Group work in the classroom.
Формування активного лексичного та граматичного мінімуму. Завдання для учнів:
1.Read the text ex 4 p.167;
2. Try to understand the main idea, combinations of all the words, grammar structures.
3.Do ex.7 p.168.(read and match the definitions);
4.Tell about the qualities which are requied for different kinds of profession.
1.Read the text ex 4 p.167;
2. Try to understand the main idea, combinations of all the words, grammar structures.
3.Do ex.7 p.168.(read and match the definitions);
4.Tell about the qualities which are requied for different kinds of profession.
4. Test for Listening and Reading. (Group 2).
How the right of children to work is observed in the United Kingdom. Project of investigation. Nastya Volodina. 9-th form. School#5. t.Pavlograd.Ukraine.
Task 2, Read and Listen to the text and say if the statements are true or false.Ex 6. p178. After group 1 presents the project.
5. Choosing a Profession.
1.Group1. Project presentation "Choosing a profession"/ ex.4. p167.
2.Group2.Explaying the results of the test. "The right of children to work in the United Kingdom".
6. Defence of a project work.

2.Terrestrial Observing System. Monitoring and evaluation.
Система мониторинга окружающей среды. Мониторинг и оценка.
Belskaya Oksana. 9-th form.School# 5. t. Pavlograd. Ukraine.Project Plan.
Task1.Learn the terms used in the text.
Task1.Learn the terms used in the text.

5. Choosing a Profession.
1.Group1. Project presentation "Choosing a profession"/ ex.4. p167.
2.Group2.Explaying the results of the test. "The right of children to work in the United Kingdom".
6. Defence of a project work.
1. How to make a good choice programme on Tv and the Internet.
Dasha Achkasova. school#5 t. Pavlograd. Ukraine.Project work.
Dasha Achkasova. school#5 t. Pavlograd. Ukraine.Project work.

2.Terrestrial Observing System. Monitoring and evaluation.
Система мониторинга окружающей среды. Мониторинг и оценка.
Belskaya Oksana. 9-th form.School# 5. t. Pavlograd. Ukraine.Project Plan.
3. How to write a letter of request in English. Як написати лист-запит англійською мовою.
Dasha Shiyan. 10-form. Project work.School #5. t.Pavlograd. Ukraine
http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2015/04/how-to-write-letter-of-request-in.html4. My dream is to become a computer programmer. Danil Vyshnevskiy. 9-th form. School#5.
5.How to write a Science Fiction Story.Kate Suntsova.School#5. t. Pavlograd. Ukraine.Project work. http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2015/04/how-to-write-science-fiction-story.html
7. Summarizing and Homework. Reinforcing Skills and Concept.
1.Застосувати структуру: In this lesson I have learnt how to____________.
Use the expressions from:The tasks of the lesson. Objectives:
Warming up: exsample: In this lesson I have learnt how: 1. To revise and practice new words and word combinations. To find and understand words in sentences. 2...
2.Page184. Now I can... розповідь учня, що він вивчив на цьому уроці, які практичні навички отримав та розвинув. Заповнити таблицю особистих досягнень.
Selfevaluation .Students should think of their records and fill in a form , Decide how well they know the subject and what skills they have already aquired.
Evaluation and Prescription. Frequent, on-going monitoring of students progress and skills. Eveluation overview chats.
Завдання для учнів: Розповісти, що вони вивчили на цьому уроці. 1.Застосувати структуру: In this lesson I have learnt how to____________.
Use the expressions from:The tasks of the lesson. Objectives:
Warming up: exsample: In this lesson I have learnt how: 1. To revise and practice new words and word combinations. To find and understand words in sentences. 2...
2.Page184. Now I can... розповідь учня, що він вивчив на цьому уроці, які практичні навички отримав та розвинув. Заповнити таблицю особистих досягнень.
Selfevaluation .Students should think of their records and fill in a form , Decide how well they know the subject and what skills they have already aquired.
Hometask. Ex.10. p.179.Read and complete the text with the correct modal verbs. The text "Finding a Career That's Right For You".
Get to read the projects of students above and learn the neccessary information.
Get to read the projects of students above and learn the neccessary information.
Alla Nesvit. English.9-th form textbook.
Designing Effective Projects: Characteristics of Projects Benefits of Project-Based Learning
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