Планирование и Проектирование урока английского языка.
Designing lesson plans.
British Council. Teacher Development Summer School.
August 16th-21st.2015.
Project work. Syzko V.S.
Pavlograd. Ukraine.
August 16th-21st.2015.
Project work. Syzko V.S.
Pavlograd. Ukraine.

Авторская работа Сызько В.С. по теме "Lesson Planning Observation". Документ доработан в 2015 г. (Введено понятие социо-культурные задачи обучения).В соответствии с "Загальноєвропейські Рекомендації з мовної освіти: вивчення, викладання, оцінювання." Страсбург. Ленвит Київ-2003р. https://sites.google.com/site/happyenglish05/planirovanie-uroka
Sample Lesson Plan Format
Lesson plans are generally made up of a few different key parts. Here is a fairly standard sample of a lesson plan.
Title. Lesson title/topic.Grade.Duration: mins.
At the top of the page, you should list the grade level and class name as well as the subject that you are teaching.
Materials. Resources to be used.
Creating a list of materials helps to keep you organized. However, when you taking a class yourself or when you have to present your lesson plans to a supervisor, this section also allows the supervisor or teacher to know that you are organized and you are preparing for your lessons beforehand.
After you write down the course basics, you need to include what you hope your students will learn. They must indicate action on the part of the student. Objectives are generally written as bullet points.
Lesson plans are generally made up of a few different key parts. Here is a fairly standard sample of a lesson plan.
Title. Lesson title/topic.Grade.Duration: mins.
At the top of the page, you should list the grade level and class name as well as the subject that you are teaching.
Materials. Resources to be used.
Creating a list of materials helps to keep you organized. However, when you taking a class yourself or when you have to present your lesson plans to a supervisor, this section also allows the supervisor or teacher to know that you are organized and you are preparing for your lessons beforehand.
After you write down the course basics, you need to include what you hope your students will learn. They must indicate action on the part of the student. Objectives are generally written as bullet points.
Expected Learner Outcomes
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able...
Anticipated Students’ ProblemsBy the end of the lesson, the students will be able...
The students may/ will not understand some teacher's instructions and explanation.
4. https://www.teachervision.com/curriculum-planning/new-teacher/48346.html
The procedure is the body of your lesson plan, the ways in which you'll share information with students and the methods you'll use to help them assume a measure of mastery of that material.
The teacher now writes down exactly what he or she will do, and how the students will be engaged in the activity. Procedures are written in numerical order.1.Stages; 2.Time;3.Aids; 4.Teacher activity; 5.Student activity; 6.Interraction; 7.Stage aims.
Plenary activity (e.g. seeing who has understood what, groups presenting, etc.):
Notes / special needs / differentiation for different pace groups or learners.
Follow-up lesson plan. Post- lesson refflection on the lesson.
The teacher now writes down exactly what he or she will do, and how the students will be engaged in the activity. Procedures are written in numerical order.1.Stages; 2.Time;3.Aids; 4.Teacher activity; 5.Student activity; 6.Interraction; 7.Stage aims.
Plenary activity (e.g. seeing who has understood what, groups presenting, etc.):
Notes / special needs / differentiation for different pace groups or learners.
Follow-up lesson plan. Post- lesson refflection on the lesson.
What went well? Why? What didn't go well? Why? What changes will I make next time? Why?
В залежності від цілі, учитель може провести різні типи нетрадиційних уроків іноземної мови (за А.В.Конишевою): урок-диспут; урок-турнір; урок-гра; урок-КВК; урок-телеміст; урок-екскурсія; урок-аукціон; урок-пресконференція; урок-конкурс; урок-дискусія(-бесіда, круглий стіл); урок-дослідження; урок- проект.
References and Recommended reading.
1.Teaching English Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching (CiSELT). Module1:Lesson Planning
2. http://education.yourdictionary.com/for-teachers/what-are-some-sample-lesson-plan-formats.html
3. http://www.academia.edu/2278127/PROCEDURE_AND_LESSON_PLAN_I-CELT_ESOL_
NB.5.Lesson plan: Defining Aims http://www.ukessays.com/essays/teaching/lesson-plan-defining-aims.php
6. С.Ю. Ніколаєва. Основи сучасної методики викладання іноземних мов.Київ. Ленвіт,2008.
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