вторник, 13 декабря 2022 г.

Англійска мова. 10 клас. Контрольні роботи. I семестр.

10 клас.
English. Listening. Test.Аудіювання.Перегляньте відео і прослухайте уважно текст.
Завдання I. True or false. Вкажіть чи правдиві, чи ні ці речення. Виконайте письмовий переклад речень, дотримуючись їх порядкового номера і запишіть їх в зошит українською мовою.
0. Cesar Venter greeted first the man who was sitting in the waiting room.
1.Cesar Venter arrived to work at the office after 10 o'clock.
2. There were other office workers called by the chief in the waiting room.
3. The man CesarVenter was talking to was waiting for the results of the interview.
4. The head of the office felt good and asked Cesar Venter to tell about himself.
5. CesarVenter is a person with good inerpersonal skills, likes to learn, can make solutions to problems, but he dos not like challenges.
6. CesarVenter is very excited about the opportunity to get computer related job.
7. CesarVenter wants to join this company because he lives not far from the office and can apply his knowledge and skills and improve his quality of life.
8. CesarVenter is a graduate of information technology and once was a marketing officer, so can add value to a new cоmpany.
9.CesarVenter' s weakness is to finish work as quicly as possible never mind what results would be.
10. In his last position CesarVenter helped other emploees to improve the companies overall prodactivity by 20%.
11. CesarVenter tries to avoid conflict situations and can not solve them objectively and logiccaly.
12. CesarVenter would like to have salary of 50 K because he has a unique combination of skills and experience in work
Вкажіть яке з речень правдиве, а яке ні.
1- ; 2- ; 3- ; 4- ; 5- .6- ; 7- ; 8- ; 9- ; 10- ; 11- ; 12- .
Надіслати на перевірку.
1.Фото письмової роботи. Аудіофайл читання речень англійською мовою.

English. Reading. Test.

English. Reading. Test.
Завдання  Прослухайте і прочитайте уважно текст.
Professions, Jobs.
Завдання I. True or false. Вкажіть чи правдиві, чи ні ці речення.
1.A person starts his/her career even in the senior years of school, before it ends in the 10th-11th grades.
2. It is not easy to choose a good profession without the advice of elders.
3.The work should provide a good salary and be interesting.
4. You can be successful at work even if you don't like it.
5. Your life will be happy when you earn well, despite the fact that work is boring and uninteresting.
6. Many people are depressed because they work only for money.
7. People sometimes hate work because it does not bring them moral satisfaction.
8.For a modern person, it is more important to receive a good salary at work than to find joy and interest in it.
9. There is a chance to achieve significant success in work when you are interested in it and it brings you pleasure.
10.The аrticle says people try to choose a prestigious and popular profession, even without having the appropriate talent for it.
11.The author advises people to choose a prestigious and popular profession, even without having the appropriate skill for it.
12. Work will be successful when you are satisfied with it throughout your life.
Намалюйте в зошиті таблицю і вкажіть в ній, яке з речень правдиве, а яке ні- True or false.
1- ; 2- ; 3- ; 4- ; 5- .6- ; 7- ; 8- ; 9- ; 10- ; 11- ; 12- .

Завдання 2. Answer the questions. Дайте повні відповіді на запитання. Запишіть відповіді англійською мовою у зошит. Прочитайте відповіді англійською мовою і запишіть аудіофайл.
1. When do people usually start building their careers?
2. Why is it not easy to choose a profession in today's world?
3. What facts influence your choice of profession and building a career in life?
4.Do you agree with the author's opinion that many people in today's society are depressed and do not like their work? Give your arguments.
5. What do you think is important for job satisfaction?
6. What questions can you ask yourself to choose the right career for life?
Надайте на перевірку.
1. Фото таблиці першого завдання. Фото письмових відповідей другого завдання. Аудіофайл читання завдання 2.

English. Writing. Test.
Прослухайте пісеньку Співбесіда на роботу. 
Завдання з письма.
Використайте навчальний матеріал підручника- Карпюк, 10 кл.: стр.53-55 і напишіть лист- заяву про надання роботи в установі, (application for a job) від імені містера Cesar Venter з відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWzB0sMrt7U&t=79s
Надіслати на перевірку
1. Фото письмової роботи. 2.Аудіофайл читання вашої письмової роботи.

Speaking Comprehension Test.
Це як в ідеалі повинна проходити контрольна робота з говоріння.
In this test you will select three task slips from those before you. After selecting three, choose the one you feel you are most capable to speak about. Then take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic. You may refer to the topic as needed.
Виберіть одну з тем, які ми вивчали в першому семестрі. Кожна з тем має план повідомлення. Напишіть твір за планом( 4 тези). Запишіть аудіофайл усного говоріння з обраної теми. Аудіофайл надішліть на перевірку.

10 клас.
UNIT 1. People and Relationships стр. 17 - 38.
Тема1. You do realize how important mothers are.
-What are your mother’s outstanding characteristic(s)?
- Is your mother your role model? Do you take after her?
-Do you take any responsibilities at home to help your mother? How often do you do your household chores?
-Do you celebrate Mother’s Day in your family? What makes this holiday special?

Unit 2. Choose a career стр.39-62.
Тема 2. Adverts are everywhere.
- What do they usually advertise? Where are they put?
-Do adverts influence you? Do most adverts give any useful information?
-What adverts do you prefer? What does a successful advert imply?
-Is advertising a huge industry to make you spend your money?

Unit 3.
Why go to school? стр.63-86
Тема 3.
Studying at school is not easy, is it? However we can make the process of learning less difficult.
-What is your learner’s style? Do you learn faster by watching, listening or moving?
-What are your study habits? Do you like working in groups, pairs or individually? Why?
-Do you use any technologies to make projects, reports or researches?
- If we think about time management, what helps you to cope with your homework more quickly?

Виберіть одну з тем, які ми вивчали в першому семестрі. Кожна з тем має план повідомлення. Напишіть твір за планом( 4 тези). Запишіть аудіофайл усного говоріння з обраної теми. Аудіофайл надішліть на перевірку.
Unit 1. Being a student. стр.17-40.
Studying at school is not easy, is it? However we can make the process of learning less difficult.
-What is your learner’s style? Do you learn faster by watching, listening or moving?
-What are your study habits? Do you like working in groups, pairs or individually? Why?
-Do you use any technologies to make projects, reports or researches?
- If we think about time management, what helps you to cope with your homework more quickly?

Unit 2. Make up your mind. 41-70
Have you chosen your future profession yet? Is it a question that makes you feel uneasy?
-What professions are very popular nowadays? Why?
-What are the professions of your parents? Do your parents’ jobs influence your family daily routine?
-What profession are traits of your character suitable for?
-Why would you like to work with or for people in the future? Do you want to be in the public eye?

UNIT 3. Family Relationship стр. 71-94.
Family is your blessed shelter. It holds the secret of your character.
-What does your family mean to you? What are your family values?
-What makes a good family?
-Are your family members different or alike? Who do you take after?
-Who in your family do you usually speak with if you have a problem? Does it help to solve it?

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