MM Publications gives a helping hand to Ukrainian teachers.
On the 22-d of August a Seminar “Five secrets for listening SUCCESS” was held in Dnepro city of Ukraine. MM Publications and the Company Lingvist representatives together with the proficiency-oriented refresher Department organized the event. More than 80 teachers from different towns and villages of Dnipro region took part in the seminar.

Alla Vasilchenko, Angella Konstance and Viktoria Plishkova took the floor and shared their experience in teaching English Language and new pedagogical methods in incorporating new approaches in the English classroom.

MM Publications is an International publishing house that specializes in producing high quality innovative English Language educational material. Its commitment to producing stimulating material that meets classroom needs as well as the demands of changing curricula has contributed to the Company becoming a trusted and respected name on the international ELT ( English Language Teaching) market. MM publications currently operates out of offices in London U.K., the US, Greece, Cyprus, Poland and Turkey. MM Publications also has agents and representatives in more than 80 countries throughout the world.

Viktoria Plishkova (MM Publications ELT Consultant in Ukraine acquainted the Ukrainian teachers with the role of MM Publications in Ukraine in teaching Cambridge English Language and Cambridge English Language Assessment, the role and work of MM Publication Centre in Kyiv and in Ukraine. She also presented innovative English Language educational materials, textbooks and teachers books, showed the way how to improve language skills of students and teachers.
Angela Konstance a Speaker of MM Publications gave a very interesting and useful material with new psychological approach on “Five secrets for listening SUCCESS” and “Teaching Young Learners!” which is very important especially in teaching little kids in primary school.
Angela Konstance was born in Sidney, Australia. She completed her Bachelor and Master’s degree in teaching English at Masquarie University, Australia.
She has had extensive experience in Primary and Secondary schools in Australia and Europe. She is involved in teacher’s training and travels widely in this capacity. Her main interests lie in incorporating new approaches in the English classroom for young learners. She has been working with MM Publications since 1998.

Angela Konstance the main idea on “Five secrets for listening SUCCESS”. Every day we listen to different things and we seem to automatically know how to listen and what to expect, especially if it is our native language. However, when learning a foreign language listening comprehension is far more difficult. In the course of this session the lecture and the teachers looked into different aspects of dealing with listening comprehension in class and tips on how we can help students develop this skill effectively.
Angela Konstance the main idea on “Teaching Young Learners!”. Sounds simple but in fact can be quite challenging when coming face to face with the situation. Ukrainian teachers gained new knowledge and skills in teaching young children by looking into the most important ways in which children differ from older learners.
During this session the participants of the seminar played different practical learning games, looked through the tables and diagrams, enjoyed and discussed teaching videos and situations.
At the end of the Seminar every Ukrainian teacher received a gift (teaching literature) from MM Publications and Linguist LTD and the Certificates of Attendance.
Dear readers and participants of the Seminar if you want to share your opinion on this material and get more pictures of your own write me an e-mail:
Августовские семинары от издательства MM Publications
Ukraine. August 2016.
Dnipro city.
Angela Konstance was born in Sidney, Australia. She completed her Bachelor and Master’s degree in teaching English at Masquarie University, Australia.
During this session the participants of the seminar played different practical learning games, looked through the tables and diagrams, enjoyed and discussed teaching videos and situations.
Dear readers and participants of the Seminar if you want to share your opinion on this material and get more pictures of your own write me an e-mail:
Августовские семинары от издательства MM Publications
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