Cambridge English builds exam confidence in Ukrainian Students.
Ten easy ways to build exam confidence.
Preparing students for FCE Writing
02.11.2016. Дніпровська Центральна міська бібліотека
Joanna Kosta Cambridge English Prepare author and teacher trainer is the co-author of levels 1, 2 and 3 of a brand-new seven-level course for schools, Cambridge English Prepare! She has taught English in both Europe and Asia. She worked as a director of studies in London before taking up a career as an examiner and item writer for Cambridge English Language Assessment.
She now writes on a wide variety of exams, including KET, PET, FCE, CAE, BEC, ILEC and ICFE. She is also a materials writer and is co-author of KET Direct and PET Direct, Cambridge Vocabulary for PET and a number of other publications including workbooks and practice tests.

Christopher Reese is an ESL Teacher working at International Language Centre – Kiev. He grew up in the small town of Decatur, Tennessee, USA (population ~5,000), but has since lived and studied or worked in three continents (and, to be honest, he still misses the food in Hong Kong).

Cambridge English combines the experience and expertise of two world-leading departments of the University of Cambridge - Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
Cambridge English is the winner of the Queen's Award 2015. The teachers in Ukraine may use the resources to improve English, support their teaching or prepare themselves and students for exam.
Over 20,000 organisations around the world accept Cambridge English exams – that’s what opportunity really means.
Cambridge ESOL — English for Speakers of Other Languages
Cambridge English is a unique approach to teaching, learning and assessing English. It combines the experience and expertise of Cambridge English Language Assessment and Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge English is driven by world-class research and a profound commitment to:
delivering educational excellence, providing increased opportunities for learners and teachers, offering value to teachers, educational institutions and employers,promoting language learning to benefit society as a whole.
Ten easy ways to build exam confidence.
Preparing students for FCE Writing
02.11.2016. Дніпровська Центральна міська бібліотека
Cambridge English November Seminars. Організатори конференції: Видавництво Кембриджського університету (Cambridge University Press), Екзаменаційний департамент Кембриджського університету (Cambridge English Language Assessment) та офіційний представник видавництва Кембриджського університету компанія Лінгвіст. Робоча мова: англійська. Доповідачі: Joanna Kosta та Christopher Reese.

He discovered a love and passion for teaching early on – teaching everything from martial arts (he holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Isshin-ryu Karate), music, philosophy, maths, chemistry, to – yes – English as a Second Language. He completed CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at International Language Centre Kiev, where he is currently employed.
Cambridge English - Ганна Шовкалюк, методист видавництва Кембриджського університету Cambridge University Press Cambridge English.

Cambridge English is the winner of the Queen's Award 2015. The teachers in Ukraine may use the resources to improve English, support their teaching or prepare themselves and students for exam.
Over 20,000 organisations around the world accept Cambridge English exams – that’s what opportunity really means.
Cambridge ESOL — English for Speakers of Other Languages
Cambridge English is driven by world-class research and a profound commitment to:
delivering educational excellence, providing increased opportunities for learners and teachers, offering value to teachers, educational institutions and employers,promoting language learning to benefit society as a whole.
There is a good room for professional development for teachers.
Миллионы людей по всему миру сдают кембриджские тесты для работы, учебы и путешествий. Каждый тест Cambridge ESOL разработан для разных уровней знаний, и позволяет наиболее точно оценивать уровень каждого кандидата.
С этой целью мы и проводим Cambridge English November Seminars в Украине, и сегодня для учителей английского языка в Днепропетровской области. Компании Лингвист, официальный дистрибьютор иностранных издательств в Украине предлагает самые лучшие современные учебники и методики подготовки к этим экзаменам. Наш сайт в интернете
1st session.
Joanna Kosta: Ten easy ways to build exam confidence.
Although students preparing for exams are likely to feel anxious at times, too much stress is
a bad thing and prevents progress.
The key to avoiding unnecessary exam stress, for both
teachers and students, is adequate preparation, but again, too much straight exam practice
can be a bad thing. In this talk, Joanna looked at a variety of ways of building confidence
and maximising chances of success in the context of enjoyable general English classes,
where exam preparation is introduced more
To do this, a solid understanding of the target level is required and in her talk, Joanna explained what separates the A2, B1 and B2 levels, using the English Vocabulary Profile, a free online resource available at
2 nd session.
Christopher Reese Cambridge English presenter : Preparing students for FCE Writing

“Isn’t grammar enough? What’s ‘communicative purpose’? : Preparing students for FCE Writing.
This seminar is aimed at teachers who are tasked with preparing students to take Cambridge
English: First (or First for Schools) exam. It focuses on highlighting differences between
“conventional” language and writing instruction and the way the exam is evaluated, focusing
on “organization” and “communicative purpose” assessment criteria. The seminar also aims
at providing teachers with concrete strategies and methods of preparing students to meet
these criteria. All the participants did a lot of tests at the session to practice their own skills.
Байсара Людмила Іванівна
Регіональний Центр інтенсивного навчання іноземних мов Дніпропетровського Національного Університету імені Олеся Гончара. Директор.
"Всіх пам'ятаю і люблю. Горлівка -центр англомовного життя була і хай буде у майбутньому."
Нагороджена Золотою подякою за багаторічну плідну роботу з англійської мови в багатьох країнах світу.
Під час конференції наші гості мали можливість переглянути виставку навчальних та екзаменаційних матеріалів, а також поспілкувалися з представниками екзаменаційних центрів Cambridge English.
Були вручені подарунки найактивнішим учителям. .Всі учасники конференції отримали сертифікати та гарний настрій!
Инфографика просмотра
Кристина Чорная, методист компании Лингвист, официального дистрибьютора иностранных издательств в Украине выступает в пользу кембриджских экзаменов и получения сертификатов после их сдачи:
1st session.
Joanna Kosta: Ten easy ways to build exam confidence.
To do this, a solid understanding of the target level is required and in her talk, Joanna explained what separates the A2, B1 and B2 levels, using the English Vocabulary Profile, a free online resource available at
2 nd session.
Christopher Reese Cambridge English presenter : Preparing students for FCE Writing

“Isn’t grammar enough? What’s ‘communicative purpose’? : Preparing students for FCE Writing.
Байсара Людмила Іванівна
"Всіх пам'ятаю і люблю. Горлівка -центр англомовного життя була і хай буде у майбутньому."
Нагороджена Золотою подякою за багаторічну плідну роботу з англійської мови в багатьох країнах світу.
Були вручені подарунки найактивнішим учителям. .Всі учасники конференції отримали сертифікати та гарний настрій!
Инфографика просмотра
По странам на 05.11.2016. |
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