четверг, 2 мая 2013 г.

Ukrainian teenager amateur painter.

Serdyuchenko Anton. 10-B Form.

The day of artristy and creative work.                                                                        School №5 t.Pavlograd. Ukraine.

A retrospective exhibition of an amateur painter's work.

On the   30-th of April the exhibition of artristy and creative work was held at school №5  t. of  Pavlograd.  The students organized the exhibition of their creative works. The painting of amateur Serdyuchenko Anton was really an object trouve of students' exhibition. Anton  is an amateur traditional sea painter following his father's touch and manner of working, who was a painter himself.


An open minded and single hearted person of high school, Antony tries to develop not only his painting talent but studies well, takes part in many school activities and social work. I hope some day he will be payed attention by some talent agency and given a helping hand to study and practice the art as a creative Ukrainian professional not to lose this free and blessing gift. 
Vasyl Syzko.  vasylboguslavskiy1959@gmail.com


4 комментария:

  1. Strong colours, lots of movement. Beautiful work!

  2. Thank you for the comment. I would be very greatful if you write E-mail to my student Anton to encourage him. It is his first exhibition.

  3. Such beautiful work Anton, gorgeous vibrant colors! Good luck to Anton with his first exhibition!

  4. Dear Linda! Thank you very much. Your experience of understanding the life, the world and colours may be the example for many.
