Cultural diversity in modern world under the way of communication.
Intel® Education Project. School#5. t.Pavlograd. Ukraine.
The final sitting of the club. May, 2014.On the !9th of May the final meeting of the school language club took place.
The students prepared their final reports and presentations this school year. Vishnivskiy Danil: "The opportunities of the Internet in learning the modern world".
Achkasova Dasha: "My hobby and cultural development at scholl#5". Kuzmenko Nastia: "School#5 is the school of self development". Prudka Valeria: "What is for me to be a model student". Kuznetsova Polina: "Developing Ukrainian culture at our school".
Prosveriakova Helen: "The youth organization at our school "The Raibow."
Klimova Julia: "Stonehenge is a mistery forever." Sedaia Olga: "The famous Landmarks of Great Britain." Mala Julia: " The ways of commynication in the modern world and technology in our life."
The school administration took into account key considerations for Education Technology at school.The board took critical steps we need to take when implementing technology solutions at the school#5 in Pavlograd.
Teachers and students implemented reading and collaboration tools to build 21st century skills and core subject knowledge, optimized devices for classroom environments and classroom management applications that support collaboration, screen sharing, and file transfer for efficient organization and assessment.Software plays a significant role in combination with the hardware, services, and instructional approaches that are transforming education, resulting in greater student access and achievement.
We understand for people all over the world, education is the springboard to a better future. A quality education the students receive at school#5 offers greater social and economic opportunities.Thanks to Intel Education Projects made by the students under the leadership of the teacher open the door for students’ imaginative innovations in their learning. A select group of senior students from different classes were engaged in the study of science, technology and cultural background of Ukraine and English speaking countries.
We tried to implement the main tasks and goals of Intel® Education Program- the quality of education of students. So when we prepare students to accomplish more, we also inspire them to tackle local and global challenges. That contributes to a better workforce, expands innovation, creates opportunities for growth, and builds stronger communities.
За активну участь у роботі англомовного клубу ЗШ№5 м. Павлограда, поширення інформації у світі з історії і культури України та англомовних країн з використанням інтерактивних технологій, колективних Intel- проектів, розвиток соціокультурної та загальної пізнавальної компетенції міжнародної спільноти відвідувачів блогу "Проекти досліджень" оголосити подяку та вручити подячні листи: Сєдій Ользі, Климовій Юлії, Просверяковій Олені, Брижевському Дмитру, Колесник Олені. Директор школи Л.В.Ващенко.
Травень 2014.
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