пятница, 17 апреля 2015 г.

How to make a good choice programme on Tv and the Internet.
Dasha Achkasova. 
school#5 t. Pavlograd. Ukraine.
Project work.
Programme Review
Before you start writing, consider what you want to tell your readers about the film/TV programme/radio programme.

- Do you want them to see it? Why?
- A programme review usually contains the following elements in the given order:
1) a brief summary of the plot;
2) the aim of the host of the programme;
3) the structure;
4) the assessment.
- Start by mentioning what kind of programme it is.
- Say who takes part in the programme, who conducts it.
- Give the programme background, for example, short biographies of the guests (in a talk show) or the rules of the game (if it is the quiz show) or the short summary of the previous events (if it is a sitcom, a drama or a soap opera).
- Say what you liked or dislikes in the programme.
- Recommend or don`t recommend the viewers/listeners to watch/listen to the programme. Support this with some evidence.
Огляд програми
Перед тим, як ви почнете писати, подумайте, що ви хочете розповісти своїм читачам про фільм/телепрограму/радіопрограму.
- Чи хочете ви,щоб вони побачили це? Чому?
- Огляд програми, зазвичай, містить у собі наступні елементи в зазначеному порядку:
1) короткий виклад сюжету;
2) мета ведучого програми;
3) структура
4) оцінка.
- Розпочніть з визначення того, який це вид програми.
- Скажіть, хто бере участь у програмі, хто її ведучий.
- Дайте програмі основу, наприклад, коротку біографію гостей (у ток-шоу), чи правила гри (якщо це шоу-вікторина), чи короткий опис попередніх подій (якщо це серіал, драма чи мильна опера).
- Скажіть, що вам сподобалось,а що не сподобалось у програмі.
- Рекомендуйте чи не рекомендуйте глядачам/слухачам дивитися/слухати цю програму. Підтримайте свою думку якимись доказами.

My Programme Review
Everyone watches different programmes, shows, films, cartoons, serials. This is an important part of our life. Thanks to television and the Internet we learn something new, in particular from programs. There are so many shows on  TV, but I rarely watch them, so usually I watch films and serials in the Internet.
My favourite American serial is the “Supernatural”. It exists for ten years, contains ten seasons and enjoys high popularity all over the world. I started watching it about six months ago and really loved the story and characters.
The main characters are Dean, older brother, played by Jensen Ackles, and Sam, younger brother, played by Jared Padalecki. The story tells about two people who do, at first glance, strange and non-existent things, but they secretly save the world from demons, monsters and even angels.This serial shows us the real family, the trials of life and a way out of difficult situations, teaches us to be strong, responsible and honest,
Perhaps the serial is  liked not by everyone, but I recommend to watch it for those who like fantasy, a bit of horror and stories about real family and friendship.

Information resources: A.Nesvit.Text-book.9-th form.

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