воскресенье, 24 января 2016 г.

"Stop AIDS in Ukraine".
Сызько Василий Семенович. 
 Lesson Plan  http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/01/hiv-prevention-in-ukraine.html
11th -Form. 29.01.2016. 
Lesson №3-4. Pages 202-205. 
Textbook by Oksana Karpiuk- 11th Form.
Англійська мова English 11 клас Карп’юк
The Topic of the lesson:"HIV Prevention in Ukraine."
Another Conquest of Paradise/ Рай на земле.
http://4flaga.ru/267-danawinner-conquest-of-paradise.html  Текст песни.
A demonstrative lesson. Project of Investigation.
E- MAIL:  vasylboguslavskiy1959@gmail.com
The tasks of the lesson. Objectives:/ Мета та цілі уроку:
1. Introduction: Ice- breaking and  Warming up.
The teacher shares information with the group for approximately five minutes.Warm-up Questions: Welcoming students. Acknowledges who is present, who is missing, and where missing people are, outlines the goals of the class period (objectives),timelines-briefly previews the class period and explains how the time will be used. The students predict and explain how they understand the objectives. Use structures: In this lesson I wiil:  In this lesson I have to:
1.Familiarize teenagers with basic information about HIV disease and AIDS;
2.To  train students to use the target language on the topic.To practice new words and word combinations  in sentences, texts and conversation by students.
3. Learning Grammar and Vocabulary: To refresh knowledge of Infinitive and Gerund and using prefix -self to form nouns and adjectives.
4. To learn how to develop  the story and talk about HIV Prevention in Ukraine. Discuss about the ways to look after yourself.
5.To read the texts, identify  and extract specific information.
6.Practice how to write an essay, a letter to the Editor (opinion letter)  and giving presentations suggesting solution to problems of HIV prevention among young people.
7.To explore the work carried out by Peace Corps and other organizations in Ukraine to prevent this disease.
The main part of the lesson:
1. Springboard Exercises.
Students produce the poster mind maps and add ideas, write on separate posters as many words as they can on the topic of the lesson.ex.3 p.202
A mind map; An addict, a citizen, drug, government, hardships, a participant, a pregnancy, society, to benefit, to handle, exhausting, non-existent, worldwide, transmittion, AIDS, HIV-positive statistics, an orphan, adult population, status, sexual intercourse, HIV test, donor's blood ;
Students explain the meanings and definitions of these words.
2. Learning Grammar and Vocabulary:
Students read ex.1p.206.guess the meaning of the words formed with the prefix self- and match them with their definitions.The structure with infinitive to be and gerund being should be used to form sentences.
Selfish, self- disciplined, self-interested, self-confident, self-educated, self-possessed.
1.He enjoes being self-possessed.  2.Being selfish he could not make friends. 3.He dreams to be self-educated.
3. Reading and listening activities for gathering ideas. 
Group discussion.
Ex.3, p.202.Students read and discuss the current statistics on HIV-positive people in Ukraine and answer the guestions on the text.
In the beginning of 2008 the official number of HIV-positive people in Ukraine was 132.000 people. However, unofficial statistics put the number at approximtely 500,000.By 2010, there will be approximtely 600.000 HIV- positive people in Ukraine. 43,000 of these cases will develop into AIDS, and 46,000 children will become orphans. -1,63% of the adult population of Ukraine is HIV-positive making it the highest in Europe. -Only 1 of 5 people know about their HIV-positive status.-Only 4% of Ukrainians have ever had an HIV test. -The highest rate of transmittionis from sexual intercourse, 55%. -The second highest rate of transmittion is from drug use,40%. -The last 5% is transmittion from mother to child or from an accident with donor's blood in hospital.
Guestions on the text:
1.How many HIV-positive people were in Ukraine in 2008? 2.What does the statistics of HIV-positive people in Ukraine say about their growth? 3. What is the fate of children whose parents are infected with the disease? 4.Do many people in Ukraine know about their possible HIV-positive status and have they ever had an HIV-tests? 5.What are the main ways of transmittion HIV virus to people? 6.Where can a person get tested for HIV and do you know the 8 800 500 4510 HIV/AIDS Hotline in Ukraine?
VISUALIZATION: to see the world through the eyes of another person. Discussion of the  current statistics on HIV-positive people in Ukraine in groups on the proposed topic by the techer:
-If you found out that a friend was suffering from AIDS would you: -try to avoid him/her? -treat him/her as normal? -want to find out he/she contacted the disease? -feel better if you found out that he/she was not a drug addict? Students should give their reasons.
4. Finding the facts (reading and discuttion). ex.4p.203. Read and find how you are well- informed about the problem. S-S, S-S-S work. In pairs and groups students answer the followin questions.
1. Which is a virus HIV or AIDS? 2. How exsactly is virus transmitted?(through the air, touch, body fluids). 3.Can 'straight' people become infectted? 4.Can mother infect her baby during pregnancy? 5.Use Gerund -Can people be infected by:(tattooing, being bitten, shaking hands, kissing, urine, breast milk, insect bites.).
5.Investigation action. 
Ex.5 p.203.Get some information about one of the projects students can take part in. The text "Peace Corps and HIV prevention in Ukraine".The students read the texts, identify and extract specific information and produce a bouncing story .
1.What Peace Corps projects in Ukraine do you know? (HIV prevention, Youth Development, TEFL, Community Development).
2.What do Volunteers and Ukrainians do on HIV prevention? (1.teach healthy lifestiles, 2.incorporate HIV/AIDS topics into English language classes and after school activities,3.organise youth camps and trainings, 4.conduct public awareness events.
 3.What is ABC approach to stay away from risky behaviours? (-Abstinence from risky activities; -Being faithful to one partner; -Consistent condom use.).
4.What does the Programme offer? (1.Age-specific programmes about HIV & AIDS prevention to under 15 years, 15-18+ years old. 2.HIV/AIDS Trainings for Trainers.3.Training of local NGO represantatives, social workers, teachers and other service providers by HIV exspers.)
6.Role-Plays and  Individual project experience.
ex.6 p.204
. Students read the feedback of the young people who have participated in the project "Health Education AIDS Liaison" (H.E.A.L.) and speak on their impressions and thoughts. Students share their experience of participation in projects related to the activities organisations of the world and volunteers of the Peace Corps in Ukraine.They build and give presentations.
Julia  Klimova Intel ® Project: Корпус Мира в Украине. Peace Corps in Ukraine.
7. Summation 
Possible questions to be answered: 1.Was "Health Education AIDS Liaison" interesting and educational?Why? 2. Did you have a chance to practise and improve your English? In what way? 3.What information about HIV/AIDS prevention have you known? Tell. 4.Did you make many new friends at the camp? What other cities were they from? 5.What did you enjoy at the camp? Why?
Before moving into the Evaluation, the teacher spends a moment summing up what the class has accomplished.Gets feedback on the material students learned at the lesson.
Students answer such guestions as "What has been done at the lesson?" What new have you known today?", "What helped you to learn the material better?" "Did your enjoy this activity? Why?", "Did you achieve what you wanted to achieve?" "What would you reccommend the teacher to improve the lesson activity?"
8. Evaluation.
The teacher assigns the home task and is clarifying questions about the assignment ex7.h.205: 
Do the individual project "Citizenship for Young People" and make a presentation.Point out what kind of organisation it is. What role does the organisation play in democratic society?  What are the goals of this organisation? The plan of presantation should include the following points:basic information, programmes, goals, plans for future. Revise the rules for making and giving a presentation( see page 37 of the text-book).
You may also watch the previous posts in the Internet on the topic made by the former students of our school who study at the Universities in Ukraine and abroad.
Доклады (отчеты)Project Work. Dmitriy Brizhevskiy. 
Как создать ученическую мультимедийную презентацию.

The teacher evaluates the students  and may  use their own evaluation cards  to assess their own performance and engagement.
The teacher also asks the students to write a list of questions about the topic they want to get the answer to while working on the presentation.
9. Question time.
Questions on the lesson. The teacher should leave time for students and others present at the lesson to ask and answer the questions.
Teachers who want to improve their teaching are eager to know how other teachers and their students view them. These are the people who interact with the teacher every day; their perspective should not be ignored during the evaluation process."

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