среда, 20 апреля 2016 г.

Ukraine. My homeland where I live and the place I love.
Шиян Дар’я Віталіївна,
Конкурсна робота
11.11.1998, 11-th Form.
Павлоградська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №5 Україна.
Україна. Це моя земля
Everyone has Homeland. My Motherland is Ukraine. My family and my friends live here. Here is my school, the teachers that teach me.
And in six months I will finish school, choose a higher educational institution for training, need to realize myself in the profession. After the training I will try to find a job, a house, start a family. Today Ukraine has all possibilities for all this, all the ways to dreams are open. For such perspective to young I am more in love with Ukraine.
But it was not always so. Remember Ukraine under the slavery of the law of serfdom and the poem by Tara’s Shevchenko "The Dream".
In the novel the author tells us about the dreams of poor peasant girl. She harvested wheat-field for the lord of the manor. The woman stoped herself from hard work and she wanted to have a little rest to feed her baby. She went and saw her beloved son Ivan who was both handsome and rich, and married ." He was free and was working on his own plot of land reaping rye on his own field." The woman smiled, because it was the best fate for her little baby-son. However, it was only a dream. When the woman woke up, she realized that dreams will remain dreams. Hopes for a free and happy life will never come true.
It was painful to read about our poor people in destitute condition in the so close past. But I am proud that my people have survived wars, famine, and tough economic and political situation of the homeland and became independent and free.
I think that for the younger generation of todays Ukraine the implementation of the future is the greatest reward.
I love my Homeland for harmonious, melodious language, beautiful nature, patriotic citizens.
That is why I am proud to be called Ukrainian.

«Моя Батьківщина Україна: місце, де я живу/місце яке я люблю».
Кожна людина має свою Батьківщину. Моя Батьківщина – це Україна. Тут живуть моя родина і друзі. Тут знаходиться моя школа, працюють вчителі, які навчають мене.
Та через півроку я маю обирати вищий навчальний заклад для навчання, маю реалізовувати себе в професії. Після навчання знаходити роботу, домівку, створювати сім’ю. І сьогодні, в Україні є всі можливості для цього, всі шляхи для здійснення мрії відкриті. За це я ще більше люблю Україну.
Але так було не завжди. Згадаємо вірш Тараса Григоровича Шевченка «Сон». У творі автор розповідає про мрії бідної селянки. Вона жала пшеницю на панському полі. Жінка дуже втомилася від роботи і їй хотілося відпочити. Вона підійшла до свого Івана, який був «і вродливий, і багатий, і одружений». Він був вільний і працював на своєму полі – жав власну пшеницю. Жінка всміхнулася, адже це була найкраща доля для її дитинки.
Проте це був сон. Коли жінка прокинулась, то зрозуміла, що мрії залишаться мріями. Надії на вільне та щасливе життя не буде.
Мені боляче було читати про свій знедолений народ. Але я пишаюся тим, що мій народ пережив війни, голод, тяжке економічне та політичне становище і Батьківщина стала незалежною
Я вважаю, що для молодого покоління реалізація майбутнього – це найбільша нагорода.
Я люблю свою Батьківщину за милозвучну, співучу мову, за прекрасну природу, за патріотичних громадян.
Саме тому, я пишаюся тим, що можу називатися українкою.
Це моя Україна! 

среда, 13 апреля 2016 г.

Конкурсна робота. 
Pavlograd-  the town of miners' Glory.
Білоконенко Герард Віталійович
‘My motherland: the place where I live/the place I love the most’
5 клас. Павлоградська ЗШ I-III ст. №5 м. Павлоград  Дніпропетровської області..
Електронна пошта: gerard.belokonenko@mail.ru
Bіlokonenko Gerard Vіtalіyovich
5-th Form  School . №5 Pavlograd. Ukraine.
E-mail: gerard.belokonenko@mail.ru
‘My motherland: the place where I live/the place I love the most’
Павлоград  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05dF3OZ6zZU&nohtml5=False
Some people say that life is better in Motherland. I live in Pavlograd and I think that it is the best place in the world. Why do I think so? At first, because Pavlograd is the town of mining. My father I am proud of  is a miner and his work like his friends- miners' is very hard and dangerous. He with his colleagues mines a large number of coal out of the land in difficult conditions to support life of people, fuel, chemical and metallurgical industry in our country.
 Secondly, my town is the  source of the most intelligent, talented and creative children and people of Ukraine. For example, there are two famous children`s dance groups of Ukraine – folk dance group ‘Youth’ and rock-n-roll dance group ‘Delight’ and the Ukrainian poetess Hanna Svetlichna was born and lived here.
 So I can say that I agree with the first statement and I`m proud to be living in Pavlograd the town of talented, industrious people and full of natural and historical places of interest.
Черное золото
Конкурсна робота My Native Town Pavlograd.
My motherland:the place where I live/the place I love the most.
Sergeeva Diana Vladimirovna
05.07.2006, Ukraine r.Dnepropetrovskaya t..Pavlograd School №5 
4-b class,  undervov@mail.ru
Pavlograd. “My motherland:the place where I live/the place I love the most.”
I was born in the beautiful city of Pavlograd. This is my mother's favorite city. My town is very rich in its forests, fields, rivers, industry, and just a beautiful place.
City Pavlograd happened in the early years, when Catherine the second drove in our area, she liked this place for its forests, rivers, fields, and in honor of her son Pavel she called the city - Pavlograd.
Pavlograd is atown in the Dnipropetrovsk region, situated between the rivers Samara and Wolfish. My city two hundred thirty-two years.It is the center of the West-Donbas. Here lives one hundred nine thousands seven hundred and eight wonderful people. In Pavlograd working thirty-two industrial enterprises: eleven mines, bread-baking plant, dairy, chemical, technological, mechanical plants, also has typography, clothing, footwear, furniture factories and many others.In my Pavlovgrad there are  lot of interesting things, for that I love my town, a lot of places you can go to relax with the parents or with friends, go to the theater of Boris Zahava, visit museums or watch a film at the cinema.
 For children there are in splendid palaces of creation, the Plant naturalists and technicians and various circlesAbout our health care, two swimming pools, four stadiums, gyms and fitness centers. With regard medicine in Pavlograd have two local hospitals, maternity ward, tuberculosis and drug treatment clinics.
Learn informaition possible from the local libraries in our city nine, also has twenty-five kindergartens and twenty schools. To get an education after high school can be in medical school, economic College.
I love and I am proud of the city because here are many famous people like B.Zahava artist and a teacher, Anna Svetlichnaya a poet, Zh.Kotin is a designer, G.Barkovsky- Ukrainian playwright and many others.
And twenty-nine Pavlograd streets bear the names of the participants of the Great Patriotic War were called in memory of the war events.. In the city there are twenty-seven monuments, there is the glory alley where a lot of people and a fire and many churches.I consider myself a happy person just because I live in such a beautiful city as Pavlograd.
My city is very famous. In the seventies, the ship was named in honor of our city. In nineteen seventy-ninth year Pavlograd was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The best city on earth is my favorite Pavlograd , it increased my parents, adults and realties and  I'll be happy to talk to your children about the beautiful city because I have something to be proud of, something to remember living in the city of Pavlograd!

воскресенье, 10 апреля 2016 г.

My beloved Ukraine. Конкурсна робота.
Катерина Сунцова.
My motherland the place I love the most.
Школа №5. м. Павлоград. Україна.
Мій рідний край  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX-eGICw4P8&list=PL6B45B4F64D1E3837&nohtml5=False
I am Ukrainian , Ukraine is my Motherland, but not everyone who is a citizen of any country consider it his or her Motherland. Personally for me Motherlend is the place where I was born and grew up , a place which is dear to my heart. Probably, everyone loves her country and is proud of it. As for me , I feel pride in the fact that Ukraine is my Motherland.
Parents and teachers , the heroes of books and films teach us to love our country from childhood.
I like to reread very much the literary works, which describe the beauty of the land and nature, the language and Ukrainian people.
Can you say the better about Ukrainian land than it did Pavlo Tychyna:
The brook in a meadow weaves like a ribbon,
The butterfly on a flower is like a candle.
Green fields are waving and blossoming –
“Good morning!” I said to my Ukraine.
Along with this poets describe the harmony in the Ukrainian family in their poems :
Beside the house, the cherry’s flowering,
Above the trees the May bugs hum,
The ploughmen from the furrows come,
The girls all wander homeward, singing,
And mothers wait the meal for them.
Beside the house, a family supper,
Above, the evening star appears,
The daughter serves the dishes here;
It’s useless to advise her, mother,
The nightingales won’t let her hear… (Тaras Shevchenko)
In the Ukrainian poetry you can feel love of the Ukrainian people for freedom:
Our soul shall never perish.
Freеdom knows no dying.
And the greedy cannot harvest

Fіelds where seas are lying;
Cannot bind the living spirit
Nor the living word.
Cannot smirch the sacred glory
Of th’almіghty Lord... ( 
Тaras Shevchenko )

Nature created our nation that has a pure heart and soul that is hard-working, patient, friendly, peaceful and merciful. “For you can choose anything at all, my son, but of Fatherlands for you there’s only one.", ̶ wrote in his poem Vasyl Symonenko. In my opinion, he wanted to remind future generations that we do not choose the country in which to be born, so everyone should independently build it and  be beneficial to our Motherland. Every citizen should do good on earth, even the smallest: to plant a tree, to give place for the older person in public transport, not to be indifferent to other people's grief,  try to help  those who need help. So we will make our country better, the people who surround us  happier, we will be beneficial for our Motherland.
And finally, I want to remind you of the lines of the famous poem Vladimir Sosyura:
Love your Ukraine, love as you would the sun,
The wind, the grasses and the streams together…
Love her in happy hours, when joys are won,
And love her in her time of stormy weather.
Love her in happy dreams and when awake,
Ukraine in spring’s white cherry-blossom veil.
Her beauty is eternal for your sake ;
Her speech is tender with the nightingale.

Love her in love, in labour, and in fight,
As if she were a song at heaven’s portal…
Love her with all your heart and all your might,
And with her glory we shall be immortal.

Моя люба Україна.
Я українка, моя Батьківщина — Україна, але не кожен, хто є громадянином певної країни , вважеє її своєю батьківщиною. Особисто для мене Батьківщина–це місце, в якому я народилась та виросла, місце наймиліше моєму серцю. Мабуть, кожна людина любить, пишається своєю країною. Що стосується мене, то я відчуваю гордість за те, що Україна — моя Батьківщина.
Любов до Батьківщини прищеплюють нам з дитинства батьки і вчителі, герої літературних творів і кінофільмів.
Мені дуже подобається перечитувати твори, які оспівують красу земель і природи, мови українського народу.
Чи можна сказати краще про українську землю ніж це зробив Павло Тичина:
Струмок серед гаю, як стрічечка.
На квітці метелик, мов свічечка.
Хвилюють, маюють, квітують поля
Добридень тобі, Україно моя!
Поряд з цим поети описують гармонію української сім’ї у своїх віршах:
Садок вишневий коло хати,
Хрущі над вишнями гудуть,
Плугатарі з плугами йдуть,
Співають ідучи дівчата,
А матері вечерять ждуть.

Сем'я вечеря коло хати,
Вечірня зіронька встає.
Дочка вечерять подає,
А мати хоче научати,
Так соловейко не дає… (Тарас Шевченко)

В українських поезіях можна відчути любов народу до свободи:
Не вмирає душа наша,
Не вмирає воля.
І неситий не виоре
На дні моря поле.
Не скує душі живої
І слова живого.
Не понесе слави Бога,
Великого Бога... (Тарас Шевченко)
Природа створила нашу націю щирою серцем і душею, працелюбною, терплячою, дружелюбною, мирною і милосердною. "Можна все на світі вибирати, сину, вибирати не можна тільки Батьківщину.", ̶ писав у своєму вірші Василь Симоненко. На мою думку, він хотів нагадати майбутнім поколінням, що ми не вибираємо країну в якій народжуватися, тому кожен повинен самостійно будувати її і бути корисними своїй Батьківщині. Кожен громадянин повинен творити добро на землі, нехай хоч і маленьке: посадити деревце, поступитись місцем в громадському транспорті, не бути байдужим до чужого горя, спробувати допомогти тому хто цього потребує. Таким чином ми зробимо країну краще, людей, що нас оточують щасливішими, принесемо користь нашій Батьківщині.
І наостанок мені хочеться нагадати вам рядки відомого вірша Володимира Сосюри:
Любіть Україну, як сонце, любіть,
як вітер, і трави, і води…
В годину щасливу і в радості мить,
любіть у годину негоди.
Любіть Україну у сні й наяву,
вишневу свою Україну,
красу її, вічно живу і нову,
і мову її солов'їну.
Любіть у труді, у коханні, у бою,
як пісню, що лине зорею…
Всім серцем любіть Україну свою —
і вічні ми будемо з нею!
Песня про любовь к Украине
Конкурсна робота. My motherland: the place wehe I live.
Ryapalova Viktoria Oleksandrivna
04.11.2005 School №5 4-Form.
Pavlodrad. Ukraine.
My motherland:the place where I live.
I live in a very beautiful country. Its name Ukraine. My country is big and nice. There are a lot of big and small towhs in it. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It has got many places of interest. They are green parks, beautiful gardens, zoos, cinemas and theatres. The tows where I live is not very big but it is very nice. It is name is Pavlograd. It has got many shops, playgrounds and floverbeds. There are a lot of red, blue,yellow, orange and pink flowers on there flowerbeds. People are cheerful, careful and happy in my towh. I love my town and my country.
Конкурсна робота.
Pavlograd. My motherland: the place where I live.
Осінна Єлизавета Сергіївна, 25.05.2007 р.н., 3-В клас Павлоградської ЗШ № 5, м. Павлограда Дніпропетровської області, e-mail: innaalexeevskaya@gmail.com
Osinna Elizaveta , 25.05.2007, 3 Form, School № 5, Pavlograd Dnipropetrovska region, e-mail: innaalexeevskaya@gmail.com
My motherland: the place where I live.I want to tell you about my native town. I live in Pavlograd. It is Dnipropetrovska region. Pavlograd is my motherland.
Pavlograd is the old town. It was founded in the eighteenth century by the bold Cossack Matviy Hignyak. It’s name Pavlograd got from Russian Qween Katerina II after her son Pavlo. During the Great Patriotic War Pavlograd was destructed by enemy army, but the bold inhabitants of the Pavlograd defended and tried to free their native town from enemies.
Nowdays Pavlograd is the industrial and cultural centre of the West Donbass region.
My town is not big, but it is very nice. There are many squares, parks, big streets, children grounds in the Pavlograd.
The biggest park in the Pavlograd is the Park of the First of May. There are beautiful long allies, clean big glades, many old and young trees and many flower-beds in the park. I like to walk in this park on the spring. The grass and all trees are green and there are many flowers on the flower-beds. There is the big central beach in this park. On summer there are many people on the beach. They sweem and get sunburnt there. There is the cinema in the park and many people can watch interesting new films in this cinema.
The centre of my native town is very nice too. It is not very big, but it is very compact and comfort. There are the big square Soborna, the Alley of Heroes and the big children ground in the centre of the Pavlograd. Many people like to walk in the centre of the Pavlograd on the holidays and every day. Every year on winter in the big central square there is a big New Year Tree and all inhabitants of our town can see a big New Year Show. During New Year Holidays the centre of the Pavlograd is espessially nice. There are many bright lights around.
There are many supermarkets and shops in the centre of the Pavlograd. And many people have shopping there every day.
I must say about the Boris Zahava’s Theatre, wich is in the Pavlograd. We can see many interesting performances there. Many talented actors appear in our theatre.
There are many kindergartens, twenty schools, three professional schools, one technical college and one institute in the Pavlograd. Many clever and talented pupils learn there. I am a pupil of the school number five. My school is big and very nice.
Pavlograd is the industrial town. There are the Mechanical Plant, the Chemical Plant, The Plant of the technical equipment and The Plant of the build materials.
Pavlograd is the centre of the coal-mining industry. There are many coal-mines in the Pavlograd region. Many miners work there and mine the thousands tons of the coal for our country.
I am a small inhabitant of the Pavlograd, but I love my native town very much.
I am proud of my Pavlogad and I am happy to live in this nice place.
Підсумки Конкурсу “My motherland: the place where I live / the place I love the most”
Школа №5 м.Павлоград. Україна.
Поздоровляємо переможців конкурсу для учнів.
Видавництво “MM Publications” підтримало ініціативу Міністерства освіти і науки України про оголошення 2016 року Роком англійської мови та з метою популяризації англійської мови серед молоді оголосило конкурс 
Конкурс тривав з 1 жовтня 2015р. до 1 лютого 2016р. Завдання полягало у написанні твору “My motherland: the place where I live / the place I love the most”. Тематика завдань була пов’язана з українською культурою, географією, літературою, спортом.
1 березня 2016 журі конкурсу у м.Києві закінчили перегляд більше 5 тисяч (5000) робіт- творів та визначили переможців.
Девять учнів школи №5 м.Павлограда
Сергеева Даяна http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/my-native-town-pavlograd.html
Ряпалова Віктория  http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/blog-post.html
Белоконенко Герард http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/pavlograd-town-of-miners-glory.html
Осінна Єлизавета  http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/pavlograd.html
Костюк Кирило  http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/my-motherland-place-where-i-live-place.html
Сунцова Катерина http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/my-beloved-ukraine.html
 Шиян Дарина,  http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/ukraine.html
 Бондаренко Віктория http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/01/ukraine.html 
Ovcharik Tatyana   http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-motherland-boguslav-place-i-love-most.html
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Конкурси “My motherland: the place where I live / the place I love the most” http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-motherland-place-where-i-live-place.html

суббота, 9 апреля 2016 г.

Does Ukraine need the European Union? Does the European Union need Ukraine? 
The pros and cons.
Intel Project Education. Project of Investigation.
English Language School Club.
School #5 t. Pavlograd, Ukraine.

Вопрос Евроинтеграции, дальнейшего пути развития страны, кооперации и сотрудничества волнует сегодня многих граждан Украины. Особенно важны эти вопросы для молодежи, им предстоит стать у руля страны завтра. И выбор будущего, напрямую зависит от того, какое сегодня предлагают стране наши политики и государственные деятели.
8 апреля в 11 классе  в школе №5 г. Павлограда состоялось заседание “Круглого стола” , на котором учащиеся обсудили вопросы вступления Украины в Евросоюз. Участники школьного Англоязычного клуба подготовили доклады и выступили с презентациями о Европейском Союзе, истории его создания, становления и развития, были изучены аргументы политиков за и против, плюсы и минусы вступления Украины в Евросоюз.
Седая Ольга. Contemporary world can’t be imagined without international communities and organizations. One of such organization with distinctive rules methods of work is the European Union.
The EU is political and economical organization, which has long history. The first step of it’s creation were made in 1951 and finally it was organized in the first of November of 1993 when the Declaration about the EU was signed. Originally only six countries were its members and now 28 states from the EU.
The main purpose of organization is to provide free moving of people, money recourses, goods and services among the countries-members of the EU. So Monetary Union was established in 1999 due to the which euro become widely used.
The EU is a powerful union which has its pros and cons.I think as pros we can say that it provides:
consolidations of young generation;  the exchange of knowledge; experience; scientific achievements; development of international tourism and culture.
Nowadays many people in Europa are speaking about the disadvantages of membership in the EU. The main problems are the need to help less economical developed countries, for example Greece, endless subsidy credits, emigration and some economical limits.
During the last years Ukraine is trying to become a new member of the EU. But we are to pass long and difficult way. The first steps have already been made. We try to be closer to Europe.
So we ratificated some programmers of technical support such as:
1. Trans- European programmer of modernization of education in universities.
2. The programmer of European system of education
3. The programmer of European democracy and the people rights
4. The programmer of bordering cooperation
5. Twinning-integration of Europe laws
6. Technical Assistant Information Exchange
As for me I understand to become a successful member of the EU Ukraine has to understand its own possibilities and try to decide its main problems. Also it is very important for us to realize profits and consequences of such union.
Климова Юлия.Ukraine's way to peace and cooperation.What does Europe proclaim and declare to Ukraine? Project of Investigation. 
 As it is known, people and governments of goodwill have always aspired to a lasting peace in the world. All of us understand that to keep international peace and security, to sign international treaties, to fight against terrorism and to protect human rights we need to cooperate and unite efforts with other countries. That’s why special European institutions were created.  http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2016/04/ukraines-way-to-peace-and-cooperation.html 
Аметова Анастасия. European Union (EU) - international organization comprising 28 European countries and governing common economic, social, and security policies. Originally confined to western Europe, the EU undertook a robust expansion into central and eastern Europe in the early 21st century.
As far as we know from the history lessons after World War II, European integration was seen as an antidote to the extreme nationalism which had devastated the continent. The 1948 Hague Congress was a pivotal moment in European federal history, as it led to the creation of the European Movement International and of the College of Europe, where Europe's future leaders would live and study together. I think it is a very useful experiance for Ukraine.
1952 saw the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which was declared to be "a first step in the federation of Europe." The supporters of the Community included Alcide De Gasperi, Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, and Paul-Henri Spaak.
To my mind Ukraine is a priority country within the European Neighborhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership. The EU is committed to a policy of sequenced engagement with Ukraine and to a close relationship that encompasses political association and economic integration.
Бондаренко Виктория
The topic of my report is the Council of Europe and its role in political life of European Continent.The Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation. It includes 47 member states, 28 of which are members of the European Union. As it was said, the European Union (EU) is an economic and political association of 28 member states located generally in Europe.The Council of Europe is the oldest intergovernmental organization in Europe and brings together the largest number of European countries : 47 Member States representing some 800 million Europeans. While it is totally independent from the European Union, the two entities do collaborate in certain domains. The 28 Member States of the European Union are all members of the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe principally aims to defend human rights and parliamentary democracy. The organization is composed of two bodies : the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly, as well as three institutions: the European Court of Human Rights, the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe has the overall responsibility for the activities of the organization.
Климов Вячеслав 
We should learn to protect our own rights.A very important organ for that is  European Commission of Human Rights.  An international body, which examines in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights the admissibility of all individual or state application against a member state it expresses an opinion on the violation alleged in applications found to be admissible in cases, in which no friendly settlement is reached. 
European Court of Human Rights
Based in Strasbourg, this is the only truly judicial organ established by the European Convention on Human Rights. It is composed of 39 members and ensures, in the last instance, the observance by the Contracting States of the obligations imposed by the Convention.
Some of the civil rights are:- the right to work, the right to health care,the right to education, the right to travel, the right to housing, the right to life, the right to fair trial. People`s rights can be: declared or not declared, provided or not provided to them, respected or not respected, protected or not protected ,observed or not observed,  implemented or not implemented, violated or not violated, abused or not abused.
International law also provides for: human treatment of civilians in wartime,protection of sick and wounded soldiers, fair treatment of prisoners of war, refugees and hostages.
Now I am sure thanks to these laws every person can complain about human rights violations. And one of this, I think very important point is our English language club charter where we can learn English and get to know the world better.  
Ковбасюк Алена
I want to tell about relations of my country with many Ukrainians who live abroad. Ukraine has close relations with many countries of the world. 
The Society for Cultural Relations with Ukrainians Abroad (the Ukraine Society) is a public organization. It lays a strong foundation for cultural and tourist contacts of our country with Ukrainians abroad.A large number of Ukrainians lived outside Ukraine are interested in the life of the land of their forefathers. The main goal of the Ukraine Society is to preserve their mother tongue and culture for themselves and their children.The Ukraine Society includes literature, science, youth programs. The Ukraine Society expands its activities each year.
In 1947 Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain was founded. It is the biggest social association in West Europe.The Association has its Fund of Help to independent Ukraine. This Fund gives money on different important actions.There is also a special Know-How fund of the British Government. Its aim is to promote assistance to Ukraine in developing of small business.
Сызько В.С.I want to thank the students of the 11-th form for the work has been done to do this project. Having good knowledge of foreign languages and social  studies one can understand the history and modern world better, be a successful person in life.

Статут та принципи діяльності англомовного клубу ЗШ№5  http://happyschoollife01.blogspot.com/2014/05/5.html
Alla Nesvit Textbook. 11-th form.
Institutions Under the Authority of the Council of Europe
Official website of the European Union  http://europa.eu/
Commissioner for Human Rights  http://www.coe.int/en/web/commissioner
The Society for Cultural Relations with Ukrainians Abroad (the Ukraine Society)
My motherland: the place where I live/ the place I love the most
Kiril Kostyuk Pavlovich, 5 february 2007,
3-c form, Pavlograd secondary school num. 5,
Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine,
e-mail kostyuk_p_i@ukr.net
Pavlograd is my motherland, I and my parents are from Pavlograd of Ukraine. It was founded in 1784. The streets of city decorate beautiful trees and bushes. In Pavlograd there is the large forest in that summer very much mushrooms and berries, and winter I like to drive on skis and on sledges. The beautiful river Wolchay is near the city.
In summer I like to play, jump, run with friends in child's park. There many swings and different attractions. Sports-grounds - near my school. I like my school and teachers. After school I go to sports club. I like to play football. The city has a swimming pool. I can swim there. Sometimes to us a circus and zoo arrive in a city. There is a large area in the center of Pavlograd. On holidays, child's ensembles and well-known singers come there. There are many monuments, a museum, a theatre, a movie house in Pavlograd.
I like to read books about Ukraine history. I love to live, study and work in Ukraine. I think it is the beatiful country. I'm proud of Ukraine. Beautiful cities are many, but  native is one!

среда, 6 апреля 2016 г.

Ukraine's way to peace and cooperation.
What does Europe proclaim and declare to Ukraine?
Julia Klimova. 
Project of Investigation.
11-th Form. School#5 t.Pavlograd. Ukraine. 
As it is known, people and governments of goodwill have always aspired to a lasting peace in the world. All of us understand that to keep international peace and security, to sign international treaties, to fight against terrorism and to protect human rights we need to cooperate and unite efforts with other countries. That’s why special European institutions were created.
Some of them are:
· The Council of Europe. It is an international organisation in Strasbourg, which comprises 39 democratic countries of Europe. Its main goal is to promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
· European Court of Justice ensures compliance with the law in the interpretation and application of the European Treaties of the European Union. It meets in Luxembourg.
· European Council is an executive organ which monitors the proper application of the Union treaties and the decisions of the Union institutions.
· European Court of Human Rights is the only truly judicial organ established by the European Convention on Human Rights. It is composed of 39 members and ensures, in the last instance, the observance by the Contracting States of the obligations imposed by the Convention. It is based in Strasbourg.
· Parliamentary Assembly is a deliberative body of the Council of Europe, composed of 239 representatives appointed by the 39 member states national parliaments. It is one of the two statutory organs of the Council of Europe, an international organisation dedicated to upholding human rights, democracy and the rule of law, and which oversees the European Court of Human Rights.
· European International Court of Justice is a judicial body of the United Nations, which meets in the Hague.
· European Parliament is a parliamentary body of the European Union, which comprises 567 European Members of Parliament of the 12 European Union countries, elected by universal suffrage.
· European Convention on Human Rights is a treaty by which the member states of the Council of Europe undertake to respect fundamental freedoms and rights.
· European Commission of Human Rights is an international body, which examines in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights the admissibility of all individual or state applications against a member state; it expresses an opinion on the violation alleged in applications found to be admissible in cases, in which no friendly settlement is reached.
· Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a treaty, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 in order to strengthen the protection of human rights at international level.
To crown it all, the European institutions play a vital role in the modern world. And Ukraine, as a member of many international organisations like the Council of Europe or the United Nations, supports the policy of peace and cooperation, mutual understanding and recognising the priority of universal human values.

Reference: Alla Nesvit Textbook. 11-th Form.
The pros and cons of  different ways of communication.
Darya Achkasova. Project of investigation.
School#5 t.Pavlograd. Ukraine
A man is a social being. In the evolution of mankind  people  have learned how to use different methods of communication. The simplest and earliest was the transfering of information by sounds and gestures. Later there was a language - the foundation for the development of civilization. Along with the growth of cities and the population people faced the need to communicate at a distance. To do this, mankind invented post- office, telegraph and later telephone. It was a real breakthrough in technology - a tool for making calls and giving information.
Now the most convenient and widespread communication is via the Internet, using various gadgets, particularly computer. It is an exellent tool for getting pictures sent quickly, it allows personally meeting without the travel and establishes direct contact between companies and people. For communication there are a variety of sites and blogs, special programs, such as Facebook, Viber, Skype and more other programmes and sites. 
At the present time, before us people have an open door to the world full of possibilities.
Unfortunately, there are negative consequences such as that people lose the possibilities of body expressions and eye-to-eye contact. Also, despite the existence of anti-virus software, there are viruses that are dangerous to the operation of gadgets.
 Do not forget about personal safety on the Internet, because there are many scams and villains. Of course, we should not abandon the use of computers and the Internet, only need to know when to stop. Remember that real life is more important than virtual.