Досвід роботи учнів з англійської мови на карантині.
Частина 2.
Experience of English language students in quarantine.
Середня школа №5. м.Павлоград. Україна.
Secondary school №5. Pavlograd. Ukraine.
Вчитель Сизько В.С.
Шановні діти, батьки. вашій увазі пропонуються твори учнів про їх роботу над вивченням англійської мови на карантині. Дистанційне навчання має певні труднощі, про які пишуть учні. Це велике навантаження по часу для дитини, багаточасова, напружена робота за комп'ютером, проблеми зі здоров'ям і обмеження фізичної рухливості. Але ми з вами побачили, як дитина навчилася до цього самостійно працювати, які знання отримала, щоб самій справитися з завданнями. В цій ситуації карантину всю відповідальність за навчання і результат покладається на учня. Учитель лише керує діяльністю учня, вказує що вивчати і як виконувати. А процес засвоєння знань залежить лише від дитини, її навичків і уміть працювати. І зараз ми побачили, на що здатні наші діти у навчанні. В моєму блозі ви бачите прекрасні роботи дітей. Тих, хто відмінно навчався раніше, але і тих, чий талант до навчання розкрився зараз, на карантині. І я також вдячний тим батькам, які стали надійними помічниками в навчанні, перш за все. своїм дітям і учителю. І зараз навчаючись за індивідуальним планом досягли самих найкращих результатів.
Мій блог читають тисячі людей по всьому світу, і наші діти показують яка нація і народ українців ми є.
І своїми творами іноземною, англійською мово, наші діти показують всьому світу, настільки ми здібні, грамотні і працьовиті. Настільки розвинений інтелект і культуру ми маємо і яку наснагу і досягнення показуємо у навчанні. І як у всьому цьому ми з вами приймаємо безпосередню участь.
Ряпалова Вікторія 8-Б.
This schoolyear was very unusual for all pupils and teachers.
The quarantine changed much in our lives. I am not an exception. I stayed at home and tried to work hard. To tell the truth, it was not very easy for me. There were so many questions and problems with new material and homework. I needed more time to learn everything. I used my textbooks, surfed the Internet and consulted my parents. Thanks to your blog “Research projects”, it was quite easy for me to do my English tasks. There were a lot of important information and useful tips. Now I can speak about different types of periodicals and press in Ukraine. I can tell much about teen magazines and my favourite one. I am sure, it will be easy for me to write an article or an advertisement for our school newspaper.
As for the unit “Geographical Outlook”, it was very interesting. I practiced my English and Geographical skills. Now I can tell much about the climate of Ukraine and express my impressions of the country or city I visited. In conclusion, I want to say that it was a good experience but I don’t want it anymore. I missed my friends. I understood that it is easier to study in our classrooms and with the help of our clever teachers. I hope, I’ll see all of them next schoolyear.
I wish you happy summer holidays.
With best wishes,
Your student, Victoria.
Сорокіна Катерина 8- А
My quarantine study diary.
My impressions of the remote English course.
Today, the coronavirus pandemic has posed a new challenge to the education system. The question arose of organizing distance education. In my opinion, this form of education has its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of distance learning are: The ability to learn at any time. The student builds an individual training schedule for himself. The ability to learn anywhere. The opportunity to learn at an individual pace. Availability of training materials. Training in a relaxed atmosphere.However, there are drawbacks to distance learning. Strong motivation is needed. All educational material must be mastered independently. This requires responsibility and self-control. It is difficult to maintain the right pace of learning. There are not enough practical skills that the teacher personally transfers to the student
Distance education is not suitable for the development of sociability, confidence, teamwork skills. As for my impressions of taking a distance English course, I can say the following.
To communicate with students, the English teacher chose the “Research Projects” Blog. I already used the Blog, and therefore there were no problems with its development. In my opinion, a Blog is a good form of communication with students. The blog has a clear structure, it is easy to find the right material in it.
It has the ability to post teacher and student publications, read and comment on posted material. Tasks in the Blog have a clear structure, teacher explanations, deadlines.
During the quarantine period, we covered the topics “Newspapers and magazines in Ukraine and in the world”, “Geographical horizons”.
I expanded my knowledge and expanded my vocabulary on these topics. According to new words compiled a dictionary. In grammar, we studied the passive voice, repeated the types and construction of simple sentences, sorted out the types of questions in English.
When doing work in English, I used the Blog "Research Projects", textbooks, manuals, an Internet resource, and materials from the All-Ukrainian School Online.
The biggest disadvantage of distance learning English, I believe the lack of communication. We study a foreign language only theoretically. In my opinion, communication is very important for mastering a foreign language.
I believe that the most important thing that I learned during the quarantine period is self-organization.
I personally distance learning brings discomfort. However, I understand that this is a forced norm. As for me, distance learning cannot replace the traditional one. However, I am very grateful to our teachers who were able to restructure, found creative methods and forms of training, helped us to master knowledge and finish the school year.
Вечтомова Дарина 10-Б.
To begin with I want to say that knowledge of foreign language is an essential part of modern life of any educated person. It is very good if a man has a possibility to study English at school or other educational establishment. But usually its only the basement of our knowledge. If we want to know the language perfectly and speak in fluently we should learn ourselves, too, use any opportunity to enrich our knowledge and practice the language. The education during quarantine has its pros and cons. If a student can organize his working time correctly it is not very difficult to study. As for me I did a lot of usual things during the quarantine: worked with new words, read text, studied new grammar material, wrote many compositions, did a lot of exercises. To my mind the good things was that I could choose the time when it was better for me do the tasks and I was not limited in time when I wrote tests. Moreover, I had a possibility to watch English educational video on YouTube and to listen to my favourite English songs. I suppose it made my English better. On the other hand, we had nobody to consult with when we had some questions or problems. During our school lessons it was much easier to learn the pronunciation of new worlds if you listened to your teacher and classmates attentively. And we had no real life English communication. As I am a school-leaver next year I hope we won’t have such quarantine any more. In my opinion traditional schooling system is the best one.
Іванов Кіріл 5-А
Dear teacher!
I want to tell you about myself distance learning. At first l thought that it would very difficult. But after second lesson I understand, that l can do my homework myself l improwed my vocabulary work, thought paragraphs and learnt a lot of new things. But, l lacked communication with classmates, dialogue with the teacher and the atmosphere of the school team. My mother helped me a lot during my study. But the biggest contribution to my clistance bearning was made by my teacher. I'm sure it will help me in my future work.
Вишняков Єгор 10-Б
My training diary is in quarantine.
I recently graduated from school during quarantine.
I want to talk about English lessons during quarantine. The teacher gave us a variety of tasks. He did all this in his blog. All tasks were set out in the "Research Projects" section. The tasks were big, small, easy, and difficult. In my opinion, one of the most important tasks was similar to the tasks of the External Evaluation. Which is very useful for us, because in a year we will need to pass the external evaluation. During my studies, I studied on my own, but from time to time I used aids and sites that were left by the teacher. Also through the blog, I saw who is doing their homework on time. If this were to happen again, I would advise the teacher to do the same.
I liked this training. But I prefer schooling. Because I saw that I do not work 100%. Only 70%. During school I learn and get more information than during distance learning.
Бодня Олександра 8-В.
My quarantine
Hi everyone! Today I want to talk with you about our "great" year. Why is it "great"? You see, when 2020 came to us, we were waiting good emotions and new life. But... 2020 brought us a new virus - Covid-19. Too many people were and are infected by it, so our government quarantined the country. (And not only our country). So we have to stay home. If we want to go for a walk we have put on or masks.
But what about me? The first week was wonderful! I had a rest after hard work and I did nothing. So were other 2 weeks. But we should stay home without walking and I was bored! Next 3 weeks were very boring for me and I was sitting and watching films. But one day I understood that I have to start self-developing.
At the beginning my self-developing everything was Ok. I did my homework, sometimes it was a bit late but teachers took it and gave marks for my work. But then real hell became. I started doing my homework from 9:00 till 22:00 or even 22:30! It was terrible! All I did during the day is a lot of homework without even going for a walk.
But I have good news: the quarantine and school year are ending! So if to summ it up I want to say: " Never put off until now what can be done today! Do everything on time and be healthy! "
Now I can ask and answer the questions about my country, understand the difference between the Past Simple and the Present Perfect Tense, speak about future events, using the Future Simple Tense, express intentions, make predictions, speak about the weather and my own plans, write short texts on different topics.
Ілля Запорожець 10-А
Studying at home is not as great as I once thought. I thought I should do some exercises in different subjects and sit, relax, but this style of learning was much more difficult.Learning English on your own is extremely difficult, given only the tasks and theoretical material, those who learn this language in this way are probably heroes. I need to make a few analogies and make it clear why it should be done this way and not this way. I studied English for a long time, so I didn't hear or see anything new, I can say that I just wiped the dust from the material that the teacher gave us. And there was nothing difficult among the tasks. However, the constant translation of tests is so exhausting that I no longer want to do anything.
It is very difficult to stay focused when you are at home, you are constantly distracted, and when you are distracted for a moment, it is extremely difficult to catch a thought later. However, this disadvantage is a plus. You can do your homework and study at home, in your pajamas, and there will be hot coffee or tea nearby. Any task is easier to do at home, because there is a computer and the Internet nearby. You have almost all the information, so writing a test or translating a test will not be a difficult task.
Also , now I can use Present Continuous and Present Simple Tense, understand and use Wh-questions in Past Simple Tens and Future Simple. Some tasks were easy, such as writing a postcard to a friend and telling about weather forecast in different countries. Some tasks were difficult for me and my mother helped me. I am very glad that my mom can help me with English. Most of all during the training I liked the video lessons in the form of a cartoon. It was interesting. But I really didn`t like writing essays. I have difficulty writing text. I hope in future it will be easier for me. So, it was my distance learning experience. I hope that in the fall we will return to our native school, to our classes, to our teachers and friend.
I think that learning with a teacher is much better than distance learning!
Бабайцев Рой 8-Б.
Hello, dear Vasily Semenovich.
Today І want to tell you about my lessons during quarantine.
I would like to say that quarantine was announced due coronavirus pandemic.
People started to sit at home.Most of students started studying on distance learning and І too. I studied a lot of subjects.My marks has got better. Thank to your site we can learning english language on quarantine. We studied several topics,but most of all i liked the topic "Geographical Outlook",because it is interesting and useful.But the topic "A daily,a weekly,a monthly" is good too.In addition to the main topics, we studied grammar, it is also very important.
We learned a lot of new things, for example, types of sentences in English.I learned a lot of new english words.We also listened to english texts and dialogues. I think it will be useful in future for us.
In conclusion i would like to say,that distance learning is not very bad,we got a lot of time that can be well spent.On it all.Goodbye. Have a nice vacation.See you next school year.
Федорчук Настя 7-В.
The modern world regularly challenges us, so the skill of being able to adapt quickly to change and be flexible is becoming increasingly important. This issue is especially relevant for the education sector. The three-week quarantine in schools and the need to switch to distance learning immediately is actually a serious challenge for the Ukrainian school system.
But every challenge is a new opportunity and a good reason to finally start doing what has long been needed. For children - to learn to learn independently. For teachers - to use distance and blended learning technologies.
Some Ukrainian schools are already actively and quite successfully practicing distance learning. Technology comes to the rescue here.
On the SMLS school platform, children receive daily material to learn and tasks to complete. The teacher checks the task, scores and leaves a comment.
Teacher feedback is a key element of distance learning. If the student does not understand a topic, the teacher conducts an online consultation.
There are also many programs that allow teachers to create knowledge tests - Classtime, Kahoot, Quzizz and others. Most of these programs have mobile versions, so the process of solving the tests is convenient and interesting. Parents have the opportunity to monitor the whole process, see assessments, comments and assess the progress of their child.
It is now popular to talk about the "partnership triangle": children, teachers, parents. Indeed, without the participation of all three parties, the learning process at home can not be established.
It is important to understand that quarantine is not a vacation. Therefore, it is necessary to try to properly organize the student's working day so that the return from quarantine to school was as comfortable as possible.
Doing my English tasks i tried to do them myself but very rarely i asked my granny to help me.
Sometimes i used "The translator" when i was looking for the meaning of uknown words. I don't want to learn English at home without your help. I want to learn it at school together with my classmates.
And I think there were so many home tasks to do it that I had to do all the exercises even at night. I tried to do my best. I came to the conclusion more difficult for me. I hope that on the first of September I will meet my teachers and my classmates and there won't be any quarantine.
Have a good time in summer!
I used different sources during my preparations to English lessong.I read our English textbook.I used the Net to find some information.Sometimes I asked my parents to help me.Also I used grammar material which I found there.I liked watching photos with London`s places of interest.I would like to find audiofiles because I`m not good at listening.
I think that the most important thing I have learnt is describing a film and a landmark.The most difficult thing for me was speaking about acting in a performance.The things that I tnjoyed most in the Unit were speaking on the plot of a film and sharing my travelling experience.The things that I didn`t enjoy were understanding and using the reflexive pronouns.My favorite activities were writing a short film review and writing about my trip.The new grammar I have learnt in the Unit is using the reflexive pronouns.The things that are easy to read are new words and word-combinations.
Безмельніцина Дар'я 10-А.
Good afternoon, dear Vasyl Semenovych, your student, Dasha Bezmelnitsyna, is writing to you.
In this quarantine we did a lot of different tasks, in different subjects, but in my opinion, we did the most in English. We performed many different tasks. The most interesting was the work with listening to the dialogue. I don't know why, but I liked this task the most.
In distance learning, my parents tried to support me as much as possible, because the tasks in some subjects were difficult. I did not have any problems in working with English, for which I am very grateful to you - Vasyl Semenovych.
Bless you! Have a good time, not very hot, but in its own good summer!
Бовкун Мирослав 5- Б
Here came the last day of the school year. Regarding myself l can say that not all tasks were given to me easily. But l worked honestly, because English is my favourite subject, and it plays a very important role in everyone's life. I was impressed by the cartoon that we worked on more would tasks. I was so fascinated that l started watching cartoons in English. In distance learning l learning a lot because time was not limited. Vasyl Semenovych l hope that in September we will meet at school and thanks to our cooperation our whole class will show good results in English. Thank you for your work. Sincerely, Bovkun Myroslav.
Котов Єгор 8-Б
Кайгородська Дарина 10-Б
During the time we worked remotely, on the subject of English, I realized that it is harder than sitting in class and listening to the teacher. When he explains everything to you and when you look for everything yourself and do not understand from the first time. Of course, some topics were easier and some more complex. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and practice. Our teacher explained everything and gave us very good sites. In my opinion, the best was "Project Research", the site of our teacher. There were examples of work done on it, and our tasks are checked on time, everything is done so that we have time for other lessons. That's why I liked learning English remotely, but I would like to take a lesson rather than do it on my own.
Частина 2.
Experience of English language students in quarantine.
Середня школа №5. м.Павлоград. Україна.
Secondary school №5. Pavlograd. Ukraine.
Вчитель Сизько В.С.
Шановні діти, батьки. вашій увазі пропонуються твори учнів про їх роботу над вивченням англійської мови на карантині. Дистанційне навчання має певні труднощі, про які пишуть учні. Це велике навантаження по часу для дитини, багаточасова, напружена робота за комп'ютером, проблеми зі здоров'ям і обмеження фізичної рухливості. Але ми з вами побачили, як дитина навчилася до цього самостійно працювати, які знання отримала, щоб самій справитися з завданнями. В цій ситуації карантину всю відповідальність за навчання і результат покладається на учня. Учитель лише керує діяльністю учня, вказує що вивчати і як виконувати. А процес засвоєння знань залежить лише від дитини, її навичків і уміть працювати. І зараз ми побачили, на що здатні наші діти у навчанні. В моєму блозі ви бачите прекрасні роботи дітей. Тих, хто відмінно навчався раніше, але і тих, чий талант до навчання розкрився зараз, на карантині. І я також вдячний тим батькам, які стали надійними помічниками в навчанні, перш за все. своїм дітям і учителю. І зараз навчаючись за індивідуальним планом досягли самих найкращих результатів.
Мій блог читають тисячі людей по всьому світу, і наші діти показують яка нація і народ українців ми є.
І своїми творами іноземною, англійською мово, наші діти показують всьому світу, настільки ми здібні, грамотні і працьовиті. Настільки розвинений інтелект і культуру ми маємо і яку наснагу і досягнення показуємо у навчанні. І як у всьому цьому ми з вами приймаємо безпосередню участь.
Ряпалова Вікторія 8-Б.
This schoolyear was very unusual for all pupils and teachers.
The quarantine changed much in our lives. I am not an exception. I stayed at home and tried to work hard. To tell the truth, it was not very easy for me. There were so many questions and problems with new material and homework. I needed more time to learn everything. I used my textbooks, surfed the Internet and consulted my parents. Thanks to your blog “Research projects”, it was quite easy for me to do my English tasks. There were a lot of important information and useful tips. Now I can speak about different types of periodicals and press in Ukraine. I can tell much about teen magazines and my favourite one. I am sure, it will be easy for me to write an article or an advertisement for our school newspaper.
As for the unit “Geographical Outlook”, it was very interesting. I practiced my English and Geographical skills. Now I can tell much about the climate of Ukraine and express my impressions of the country or city I visited. In conclusion, I want to say that it was a good experience but I don’t want it anymore. I missed my friends. I understood that it is easier to study in our classrooms and with the help of our clever teachers. I hope, I’ll see all of them next schoolyear.
I wish you happy summer holidays.
With best wishes,
Your student, Victoria.
Сорокіна Катерина 8- А
My quarantine study diary.
My impressions of the remote English course.
Today, the coronavirus pandemic has posed a new challenge to the education system. The question arose of organizing distance education. In my opinion, this form of education has its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of distance learning are: The ability to learn at any time. The student builds an individual training schedule for himself. The ability to learn anywhere. The opportunity to learn at an individual pace. Availability of training materials. Training in a relaxed atmosphere.However, there are drawbacks to distance learning. Strong motivation is needed. All educational material must be mastered independently. This requires responsibility and self-control. It is difficult to maintain the right pace of learning. There are not enough practical skills that the teacher personally transfers to the student
Distance education is not suitable for the development of sociability, confidence, teamwork skills. As for my impressions of taking a distance English course, I can say the following.
To communicate with students, the English teacher chose the “Research Projects” Blog. I already used the Blog, and therefore there were no problems with its development. In my opinion, a Blog is a good form of communication with students. The blog has a clear structure, it is easy to find the right material in it.
It has the ability to post teacher and student publications, read and comment on posted material. Tasks in the Blog have a clear structure, teacher explanations, deadlines.
During the quarantine period, we covered the topics “Newspapers and magazines in Ukraine and in the world”, “Geographical horizons”.
I expanded my knowledge and expanded my vocabulary on these topics. According to new words compiled a dictionary. In grammar, we studied the passive voice, repeated the types and construction of simple sentences, sorted out the types of questions in English.
When doing work in English, I used the Blog "Research Projects", textbooks, manuals, an Internet resource, and materials from the All-Ukrainian School Online.
The biggest disadvantage of distance learning English, I believe the lack of communication. We study a foreign language only theoretically. In my opinion, communication is very important for mastering a foreign language.
I believe that the most important thing that I learned during the quarantine period is self-organization.
I personally distance learning brings discomfort. However, I understand that this is a forced norm. As for me, distance learning cannot replace the traditional one. However, I am very grateful to our teachers who were able to restructure, found creative methods and forms of training, helped us to master knowledge and finish the school year.
Науменко Діана 10-А.
The popularity of distance education has grown dramatically in recent years. This form of learning is the most flexible and accessible to many who want to gain knowledge.Distance learning offers wide advantages in this sense, you learn when it is convenient for you! In the morning, in the evening, at night - access to information is always open. One of the advantages of this type of study, in my opinion, is a lot of free time, we can do more of our favorite thing, or pull up problematic subjects at school. Another big plus of distance learning is that we can learn at a convenient time. But one of the disadvantages of distance learning is that we are not in society and lack live communication. What is very bad about distance learning is that you have to study the material alone and some topics may not be clear. In general, I like this kind of training.Вечтомова Дарина 10-Б.
To begin with I want to say that knowledge of foreign language is an essential part of modern life of any educated person. It is very good if a man has a possibility to study English at school or other educational establishment. But usually its only the basement of our knowledge. If we want to know the language perfectly and speak in fluently we should learn ourselves, too, use any opportunity to enrich our knowledge and practice the language. The education during quarantine has its pros and cons. If a student can organize his working time correctly it is not very difficult to study. As for me I did a lot of usual things during the quarantine: worked with new words, read text, studied new grammar material, wrote many compositions, did a lot of exercises. To my mind the good things was that I could choose the time when it was better for me do the tasks and I was not limited in time when I wrote tests. Moreover, I had a possibility to watch English educational video on YouTube and to listen to my favourite English songs. I suppose it made my English better. On the other hand, we had nobody to consult with when we had some questions or problems. During our school lessons it was much easier to learn the pronunciation of new worlds if you listened to your teacher and classmates attentively. And we had no real life English communication. As I am a school-leaver next year I hope we won’t have such quarantine any more. In my opinion traditional schooling system is the best one.
Іванов Кіріл 5-А
Dear teacher!
I want to tell you about myself distance learning. At first l thought that it would very difficult. But after second lesson I understand, that l can do my homework myself l improwed my vocabulary work, thought paragraphs and learnt a lot of new things. But, l lacked communication with classmates, dialogue with the teacher and the atmosphere of the school team. My mother helped me a lot during my study. But the biggest contribution to my clistance bearning was made by my teacher. I'm sure it will help me in my future work.
Вишняков Єгор 10-Б
My training diary is in quarantine.
I recently graduated from school during quarantine.
I want to talk about English lessons during quarantine. The teacher gave us a variety of tasks. He did all this in his blog. All tasks were set out in the "Research Projects" section. The tasks were big, small, easy, and difficult. In my opinion, one of the most important tasks was similar to the tasks of the External Evaluation. Which is very useful for us, because in a year we will need to pass the external evaluation. During my studies, I studied on my own, but from time to time I used aids and sites that were left by the teacher. Also through the blog, I saw who is doing their homework on time. If this were to happen again, I would advise the teacher to do the same.
I liked this training. But I prefer schooling. Because I saw that I do not work 100%. Only 70%. During school I learn and get more information than during distance learning.
Бодня Олександра 8-В.
My quarantine
Hi everyone! Today I want to talk with you about our "great" year. Why is it "great"? You see, when 2020 came to us, we were waiting good emotions and new life. But... 2020 brought us a new virus - Covid-19. Too many people were and are infected by it, so our government quarantined the country. (And not only our country). So we have to stay home. If we want to go for a walk we have put on or masks.
But what about me? The first week was wonderful! I had a rest after hard work and I did nothing. So were other 2 weeks. But we should stay home without walking and I was bored! Next 3 weeks were very boring for me and I was sitting and watching films. But one day I understood that I have to start self-developing.
At the beginning my self-developing everything was Ok. I did my homework, sometimes it was a bit late but teachers took it and gave marks for my work. But then real hell became. I started doing my homework from 9:00 till 22:00 or even 22:30! It was terrible! All I did during the day is a lot of homework without even going for a walk.
But I have good news: the quarantine and school year are ending! So if to summ it up I want to say: " Never put off until now what can be done today! Do everything on time and be healthy! "
Палеха Андрій 5-В.
Soon the school year will be over. It was a different and interesting school year for me. First of all, I've had to study at home on quarantine and this experience helped me a lot to understand my clear level of knowledge. I have learnt a lot of new things, studied some new English words and grammar rules, practiced the use of English Tenses. My parents helped me sometimes while I was studying on quarantine. It was interesting to think out the dialogues and make questions to the sentences. But I have noticed I do many mistakes in spelling of the words. I will try to solve this problem during my summer holidays. I should thank my English teacher, Vasil Semenovich, for a good explanation, a comfortable schedule of lessons, and encouragement to work. Now I can ask and answer the questions about my country, understand the difference between the Past Simple and the Present Perfect Tense, speak about future events, using the Future Simple Tense, express intentions, make predictions, speak about the weather and my own plans, write short texts on different topics.
Ілля Запорожець 10-А
Studying at home is not as great as I once thought. I thought I should do some exercises in different subjects and sit, relax, but this style of learning was much more difficult.Learning English on your own is extremely difficult, given only the tasks and theoretical material, those who learn this language in this way are probably heroes. I need to make a few analogies and make it clear why it should be done this way and not this way. I studied English for a long time, so I didn't hear or see anything new, I can say that I just wiped the dust from the material that the teacher gave us. And there was nothing difficult among the tasks. However, the constant translation of tests is so exhausting that I no longer want to do anything.
It is very difficult to stay focused when you are at home, you are constantly distracted, and when you are distracted for a moment, it is extremely difficult to catch a thought later. However, this disadvantage is a plus. You can do your homework and study at home, in your pajamas, and there will be hot coffee or tea nearby. Any task is easier to do at home, because there is a computer and the Internet nearby. You have almost all the information, so writing a test or translating a test will not be a difficult task.
Курочка Єва 5-А
Hello! I am Eva. Now I tell you about my distance learning English. My training was not very hard, because I already worked with this site. During training I learned to read and understand the weather forecast, describe the nature in each season, plan a vacation trip, write letters to friend. I can also tell you about my country and Ukrainian people. Also , now I can use Present Continuous and Present Simple Tense, understand and use Wh-questions in Past Simple Tens and Future Simple. Some tasks were easy, such as writing a postcard to a friend and telling about weather forecast in different countries. Some tasks were difficult for me and my mother helped me. I am very glad that my mom can help me with English. Most of all during the training I liked the video lessons in the form of a cartoon. It was interesting. But I really didn`t like writing essays. I have difficulty writing text. I hope in future it will be easier for me. So, it was my distance learning experience. I hope that in the fall we will return to our native school, to our classes, to our teachers and friend.
I think that learning with a teacher is much better than distance learning!
Нерсесов Іван 8-А
Quarantine with usefulness
Quarantine was introduced our country two month ago. Schools were closed and we had to keep learning. We had only one option – distance learning. And now I’m going to tell you a little about what happened with me at this time
Firstly, I was relaxed. I got pleasure from a large amount of free time. Sometime later I got bored. Suddenly I found out a lot of English tasks for me, which I didn’t do. On quarantine I absolutely lost the concept of my timetable. It caused me trouble several times. When I caught on, I did all the work even though it took me all day. Since then, I’ve been more responsible at work.
Secondly, study on distance show your attitude to oneself. Here you learn only for yourself and use only your knowledge. I liked the fact that I was able to get myself a diligence test. And marks that will stand at the end of the year will show my level. But there was a spoonful of gum in a barrel of honey. At the end of the school year, I was exhausted. All day I’ve been busy with lessons and nothing else. Fortunately today is 27 May and all the difficulties are behind us.
Thirdly, in my opinion, distance learning is not for everyone. It’s easier for someone to perceive information in a live conversation, or someone to sit at a computer screen. I’m more of the first, but I’m used to screen learning, too.
Most of my tasks were in English. But the effectiveness of the training has not been lost, but opposite became higher. During my work I had to use dictionaries and translators. And teacher gave us a website with the basics of English grammar. To be honest, there was a lot of information I knew but some knowledge I got for the first time. I think the blog «Проекти-Досліджень» helped me improve my knowledge of English, for which I am very grateful.
Summing up, I can say that distance learning has a place to be. But replacing live communication and school is almost impossible. This is probably the only serious minus, but it has too much price.
Quarantine with usefulness
Quarantine was introduced our country two month ago. Schools were closed and we had to keep learning. We had only one option – distance learning. And now I’m going to tell you a little about what happened with me at this time
Firstly, I was relaxed. I got pleasure from a large amount of free time. Sometime later I got bored. Suddenly I found out a lot of English tasks for me, which I didn’t do. On quarantine I absolutely lost the concept of my timetable. It caused me trouble several times. When I caught on, I did all the work even though it took me all day. Since then, I’ve been more responsible at work.
Secondly, study on distance show your attitude to oneself. Here you learn only for yourself and use only your knowledge. I liked the fact that I was able to get myself a diligence test. And marks that will stand at the end of the year will show my level. But there was a spoonful of gum in a barrel of honey. At the end of the school year, I was exhausted. All day I’ve been busy with lessons and nothing else. Fortunately today is 27 May and all the difficulties are behind us.
Thirdly, in my opinion, distance learning is not for everyone. It’s easier for someone to perceive information in a live conversation, or someone to sit at a computer screen. I’m more of the first, but I’m used to screen learning, too.
Most of my tasks were in English. But the effectiveness of the training has not been lost, but opposite became higher. During my work I had to use dictionaries and translators. And teacher gave us a website with the basics of English grammar. To be honest, there was a lot of information I knew but some knowledge I got for the first time. I think the blog «Проекти-Досліджень» helped me improve my knowledge of English, for which I am very grateful.
Summing up, I can say that distance learning has a place to be. But replacing live communication and school is almost impossible. This is probably the only serious minus, but it has too much price.
Бабайцев Рой 8-Б.
Hello, dear Vasily Semenovich.
Today І want to tell you about my lessons during quarantine.
I would like to say that quarantine was announced due coronavirus pandemic.
People started to sit at home.Most of students started studying on distance learning and І too. I studied a lot of subjects.My marks has got better. Thank to your site we can learning english language on quarantine. We studied several topics,but most of all i liked the topic "Geographical Outlook",because it is interesting and useful.But the topic "A daily,a weekly,a monthly" is good too.In addition to the main topics, we studied grammar, it is also very important.
We learned a lot of new things, for example, types of sentences in English.I learned a lot of new english words.We also listened to english texts and dialogues. I think it will be useful in future for us.
In conclusion i would like to say,that distance learning is not very bad,we got a lot of time that can be well spent.On it all.Goodbye. Have a nice vacation.See you next school year.
Федорчук Настя 7-В.
The modern world regularly challenges us, so the skill of being able to adapt quickly to change and be flexible is becoming increasingly important. This issue is especially relevant for the education sector. The three-week quarantine in schools and the need to switch to distance learning immediately is actually a serious challenge for the Ukrainian school system.
But every challenge is a new opportunity and a good reason to finally start doing what has long been needed. For children - to learn to learn independently. For teachers - to use distance and blended learning technologies.
Some Ukrainian schools are already actively and quite successfully practicing distance learning. Technology comes to the rescue here.
On the SMLS school platform, children receive daily material to learn and tasks to complete. The teacher checks the task, scores and leaves a comment.
Teacher feedback is a key element of distance learning. If the student does not understand a topic, the teacher conducts an online consultation.
There are also many programs that allow teachers to create knowledge tests - Classtime, Kahoot, Quzizz and others. Most of these programs have mobile versions, so the process of solving the tests is convenient and interesting. Parents have the opportunity to monitor the whole process, see assessments, comments and assess the progress of their child.
It is now popular to talk about the "partnership triangle": children, teachers, parents. Indeed, without the participation of all three parties, the learning process at home can not be established.
It is important to understand that quarantine is not a vacation. Therefore, it is necessary to try to properly organize the student's working day so that the return from quarantine to school was as comfortable as possible.
In quarantine, I liked not waking up in the morning, but there is a lack of live communication. I completed the task on my own. Sometimes I used a translator and a dictionary. It was very interesting to learn new vocabulary. Learning grammar on my own seemed difficult to me. Thanks to the blog of research projects, it was easier to assimilate the material. There I found many interesting videos and sites. If the quarantine is extended, I would advise teachers not to evaluate us too strictly, because we learn ourselves. I think I worked well in quarantine. I learned to name different types of movies. Now I can talk about the plot of the film. I can share my impressions of the trip. I can write a diary about my trip.
Настя Перебийніс 7-В.
"My learning Diary" Dear Vasyl Semenovych, I'm glad to hear from you again. Today we shall speak about our learning English during our quarantine. To tell the truth at the beginning of our quarantine we were glad to have it. It was for the first time to have our lessons online. It was cool! But soon our opinions changed greatly. As for me i find such lessons more difficult for me. I don't want to have such lessons again. I think that i removed my English but not so much. The topic "Leasure Time" was more difficult for me than the topic "Places of Interest" There were so many unknown words that I couldn't remember them. It was not easy to understand different film genres and to speak about performances at the theatre. But now I can speak about acting in a performance and now I can describe a film and express my opinion about my favourite films and actors. Some exercisers were easy to do it. These were exercisers on the theme "Reflexive Pronouns" it was interesting and I did it with pleasure. As for my problems...Of course, i had them. It was connected with using verbs in Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect. I understand that I have to improve my knowledge in grammar. I think in Summer I'll do it. As for "my likes" and "my dislikes" for learning English online... I think to learn English at much better than to do it without smb's help at home. Your teacher always helps you when you need it. Sometimes while reading I didn't know how to pronounce some new words.
Свінін Арсеній 7-В
Distance studying is a new experience for me. It requires selflearning and selfcontrol in doing all the tasks in time. We studied in the distance during the last two months because of quarantine.We had to learn three themes by ourselves for this time. We finished learning the topic «Doctor», and learnt new topics «Entertain Yourself» and «Places of Interest». I learned: the names of different types of films, understanding a film review, understanding and using the pas tenses of the verbs, understanding and using the reflexive pronouns, describing a film, speaking on the plot of a film. I also learnt to ask and answer about a place of interest, give recommendations to watch a film, write a postcard about a place of staying, write a diary about my trip and other. I find this units quite interesting, useful and easy. I think that the most important thing I have learnt in the Unit is grammar. The new grammar I have learnt in the Unit are the Past Tenses of the Verbs and the Reflexive Pronouns. The most difficult things for me were grammar and listening. The things that I enjoyed most in the Unit were stories about places of interest in London and Kyiv.My favourite activities were reading and translating the texts. I didn’t like the distance learning in quarantine, because I lacked communication with teachers and friends. I did all the exercises myself, but sometimes my mother helped me.I used my computer to send the tasks to my teacher's e-mail. The teacher’s blog helped me a lot because it contained detailed explanations for each task.I want to advise my teacher to make a video call for video lessons. I rate my work as excellent because I have completed all the tasks on time.I acquired the skills of self-studying in quarantine.Настя Перебийніс 7-В.
Doing my English tasks i tried to do them myself but very rarely i asked my granny to help me.
Sometimes i used "The translator" when i was looking for the meaning of uknown words. I don't want to learn English at home without your help. I want to learn it at school together with my classmates.
And I think there were so many home tasks to do it that I had to do all the exercises even at night. I tried to do my best. I came to the conclusion more difficult for me. I hope that on the first of September I will meet my teachers and my classmates and there won't be any quarantine.
Have a good time in summer!
Нікіта Ананченко 7-В.
All pupils studied at home last three months.We were busy from morning till night.We had many tasks in different subjects.Also I got many tasks in English.I had to learn new words and word-combinations.I had to read and translate texts.I had to work with new grammar material.I used different sources during my preparations to English lessong.I read our English textbook.I used the Net to find some information.Sometimes I asked my parents to help me.Also I used grammar material which I found there.I liked watching photos with London`s places of interest.I would like to find audiofiles because I`m not good at listening.
I think that the most important thing I have learnt is describing a film and a landmark.The most difficult thing for me was speaking about acting in a performance.The things that I tnjoyed most in the Unit were speaking on the plot of a film and sharing my travelling experience.The things that I didn`t enjoy were understanding and using the reflexive pronouns.My favorite activities were writing a short film review and writing about my trip.The new grammar I have learnt in the Unit is using the reflexive pronouns.The things that are easy to read are new words and word-combinations.
Безмельніцина Дар'я 10-А.
Good afternoon, dear Vasyl Semenovych, your student, Dasha Bezmelnitsyna, is writing to you.
In this quarantine we did a lot of different tasks, in different subjects, but in my opinion, we did the most in English. We performed many different tasks. The most interesting was the work with listening to the dialogue. I don't know why, but I liked this task the most.
In distance learning, my parents tried to support me as much as possible, because the tasks in some subjects were difficult. I did not have any problems in working with English, for which I am very grateful to you - Vasyl Semenovych.
Bless you! Have a good time, not very hot, but in its own good summer!
Бовкун Мирослав 5- Б
Here came the last day of the school year. Regarding myself l can say that not all tasks were given to me easily. But l worked honestly, because English is my favourite subject, and it plays a very important role in everyone's life. I was impressed by the cartoon that we worked on more would tasks. I was so fascinated that l started watching cartoons in English. In distance learning l learning a lot because time was not limited. Vasyl Semenovych l hope that in September we will meet at school and thanks to our cooperation our whole class will show good results in English. Thank you for your work. Sincerely, Bovkun Myroslav.
Котов Єгор 8-Б
My quarantine study diary
Hi today I want to tell you about my quarantine study diary. More precisely, how I taught quarantine lessons . I did not like the distance learning . In distance learning has its pros and cons. Plus in distance learning is such, when you want to sit down and do lessons and use the Internet as a last resort. And the downside is that there's a lot of homework and it's boring to go home. Homework I often did myself.
Hi today I want to tell you about my quarantine study diary. More precisely, how I taught quarantine lessons . I did not like the distance learning . In distance learning has its pros and cons. Plus in distance learning is such, when you want to sit down and do lessons and use the Internet as a last resort. And the downside is that there's a lot of homework and it's boring to go home. Homework I often did myself.
Sometimes with homework helped me the Internet and classmates through social networks. Lessons such as biology, English and physical education were easily given to me. All other subjects were difficult for me, but I did them. Vasily Semenovich's blog helped me not only to learn new homework, but also to learn a lot in the field of English. I would estimate my knowledge from different subjects a little more than average, because during the quarantine some subjects were difficult for me. Also during the quarantine I did all the tasks of the program independent work .
While working on the teaching material, I became more familiar with English words and grammar and I think it will be useful to prepare for the VA next year.
This was my schedule for the 2 months of quarantine. That's where I told you how I learned and what I learned new things. Thank you for reading it so far. Kotov Yegor.
This was my schedule for the 2 months of quarantine. That's where I told you how I learned and what I learned new things. Thank you for reading it so far. Kotov Yegor.
Кайгородська Дарина 10-Б
During the time we worked remotely, on the subject of English, I realized that it is harder than sitting in class and listening to the teacher. When he explains everything to you and when you look for everything yourself and do not understand from the first time. Of course, some topics were easier and some more complex. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and practice. Our teacher explained everything and gave us very good sites. In my opinion, the best was "Project Research", the site of our teacher. There were examples of work done on it, and our tasks are checked on time, everything is done so that we have time for other lessons. That's why I liked learning English remotely, but I would like to take a lesson rather than do it on my own.
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